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Primary Culture

+0.15 Infantry Shock
-10% Liberty Desire in Subjects

The First Sun SlayersFor Zokka, new to leadership of a Far Salahad gnoll pack, it was just another day hunting in the harsh desert heat. An insufficiently guarded caravan, demonically-enhanced strength, a brutal ambush; the story writes itself. His pack ate well that night, dining on their slaughtered foes. A strong success for the new pack-leader, but nothing more notable than that.\n\nFor the elves of Sareyand, who awaited a caravan that never arrived, and found little but sun-scorched bones when they looked for it — it was horror. A whisper of an age long past, an age thought banished forevermore by Surael's incarnation Jaher. For those Sun Elves Zokka had made a meal of were the first elves to be devoured by gnolls in centuries. A force was mustered to confront the gnoll. It came back battered, scorched by demonflame. The next simply vanished into the sands. Even the Desert Legion could not hunt him down. And all the while, in the Salahad, the legend of Zokka, Devourer-of-Suns, grew and grew.
-15% Province War Score Cost

An Economy of PlunderingOut of the arid Salahad, various peoples make coin in various ways. The Desert Legion pursues the staid job of caravan-guards, the Mašnsih tend their flocks, merchants of east and west grow rich selling to the other side. But the gnolls of Zokka know the best way. Just loot everyone else's! Ever since that first caravan, Zokka's horde has plundered everything that can be taken, and destroyed what cannot be, after laying their foes to waste.
+25% Looting Speed
+25% Razing Power Gain

Shared Goal of DominationBulwari children fear Zokka's gnashing teeth. Sareyandi soldiers fear his demonic strength. But the cleverest scholars and most studied generals of the Desert Legion? They fear what truly makes him dangerous, his cunning nature.\nThat trait was on full display when he arranged a meeting with the Matriarch Astárta Siadunó in 1424 AA. They both had dreams of a new 'Age of Monsters'; he sought to resurrect gnollish Bulwar, she hoped to return the harpy matriarchy of Siadanlén to predominance in the Far Salahad. And they both knew those dreams would require the slaughter of Sun Elves, and any else who would stand before them. With the mixing of a drop of harpy and gnollish blood into a bottle of wine, then quaffed by the two rulers, the pact was sealed — and Surael himself must have shivered.
-10% Idea Cost

Recruits from the SouthZokka's pack began small, but grew as more and more gnolls heard of his legend and sought to join him. Even after he had consolidated much of the Far Salahad, Zokka knew the value of a constant stream of fresh blood.\n\nWhen the packs of Kogzalla and Koggraffa to the south swore their loyalty to him, Zokka didn't seek to claim their lands directly, knowing this would put him in conflict with the larger packs of Sarhal. Instead he demanded they send a regular tithe of soldiers and supplies to ensure that his pack were able to replenish any losses to battle or famine swiftly.
+15% Manpower Recovery Speed

Encouraged HarassmentZokka prizes loyalty — to him — above much else, and as such, his court is dominated by those gnolls who have been with them ever since those early days. Their position is entrenched, unassailable, and they know it. They make sure every new member to the court, behind in clout compared to their fellow comrades, know this too, by harassing and bullying them endlessly.\n\nThis makes it incredibly rare for a new gnoll to rise up in status, rarely happening except in the case of a particularly demon-touched individual. As an unintended consequence, it also prevents potential spies who would rather go home with no information than stand another day of torment.
+25% Foreign Spy Detection

In Communion with DemonsIt is said that Zokka came to command his pack by summoning a demon that swallowed the commanding gnoll whole. It is said that in the Salahad's darkest nights, you can still hear her screams drifting on the wind, as that demon tortures her forevermore.\nWhatever that rumor's truth, it is certain that few if any gnollish tribes are as zealous as Zokka's in consorting with demons to gain unnatural power. From minor rituals at nightfall and dawn, to pre-battle rites, to post-battle sacrifices, the Xhazobkult infuses every piece of life in Zokka's pack.
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith
+0.005 Yearly Demonic Power

Superior Cultural ValuesThe strong rule. The weak serve. Power is all that matters.\n\nThis philosophy once dominated Bulwar, but the gnolls of Zokka now see the land covered in weak kingdoms that would rather pray to living failures than embrace that truth. No matter. Every gnoll in the pack knows it, is united by it, and will show the weak just what that belief entails. If that takes drowning the land in blood and hellfire, so be it.
-10% Culture Conversion Cost
-8% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

+10% Siege Ability


