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{ReligiousDescription|religion=kvangahga|description=Kvangahga "The Way of Kvanga" in Gnollish, is an ancient religion that venerates Kvanga, a primordial goddess of rebirth, recycling and reforging. Kvangahga adherents believe that the goddess is the creator of the Gnolls, that when the world was young and wild she battled malevolent bestial spirits that were rampaging across Halann and reforged them, binding their reborn souls to the bodies of hyenas and making them creatures capable of virtue. Because of this belief, the Kvangahga view their Xhazobkult kin as wayward souls who have given in to their most base instincts, but who are capable of being "reforged" by Kvanga’s embrace.\n\nThe faith values efficiency, innovation and pragmatism and has a philosophy of "waste-not-want-not", taking things others would see as junk and putting them to good use. While most gnolls practice endocannibalism, the act has a special reverence for the followers of Kvanga, it is seen as a way of honouring the dead while not letting anything go to waste. The values of Kvangahga are well represented by the activities of mystical artisans known as Holy-Smiths or Rram Zelags in the east, and Carrion-Shepherds or Vog Mekza in the west. These holy men and women scavenge, trade and scrap items both natural and artificial to remake into magically-imbued tools for the faithful members of their pack to make use of. Through these acts of recycling they believe they carry out Kvanga's will, giving new purpose to unwanted things}
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{ReligiousDescription|religion=xhazobkult|description=The Xhazobkult venerate the Xhazobine, messianic figures believed to be possessed by a Xhazob, a primal demonic spirit that Kult folklore holds were the progenitors of their race. Previous Xhazobines have been responsible for continent spanning invasions and their brutal achievements feature prominently in the oral traditions of many gnollish packs.\n\nStrict adherence to the Xhazobkult varies from region to region, for some packs it is a background piece of their folklore alongside animist beliefs and syncretic elements from neighbouring faiths. Others however take the Xhazobkult deadly seriously, with organised shamanic traditions, tithes of human sacrifice and active attempts to bring about the next Xhazobine to drown the world in blood.}
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