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Primary Culture

+10% Morale of Armies
-10% Shock Damage Received

Insult WarriorsSince their earliest days, the Snotfinger Clan has practiced a tradition of insults, initially designed to lure orcs into prepared ambushes. As the clan moves forward, so too has this tradition. Many goblins spend their spare time perfecting new insults for both rivals and friends. Now their insult skills are not only used to taunt the enemy into their demise, but have also become a tool of diplomacy and negotiation.
+100% Power Projection From Insults

Orc SlayersBefore the Greentide breached through Khugdihr and spilled into Escann, the goblin slave Rurnor Snotfinger led a group of fellow goblin slaves into the nearby caverns, avoiding the fate of those who would become the Common Goblins. Every goblin of Snotfinger knows this story well, and knows the truth of why there can never be peace with orcs. They all must die.\n\nOf course, there are many others who share our hatred of the orcs, and we may find ourselves with strange allies along the way.
-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact

Free Goblins AllThe Snotfinger clan came into existence through our escape from orcish slavery, and none of us have any intention of returning to it. No Snotfinger goblin will ever be a slave again. And though freedom may come with its own problems, we suffer through them, knowing what the alternative is.
+0.5 Yearly Devotion
+5% National Tax Modifier
+0.5 Yearly Horde Unity
+0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.15 Yearly Republican Tradition

Snotfinger UniversityWithin the depths of Snotslair lies a great complex of goblin learning known as Snotfinger University, founded in 1476 AA and named after Rurnor Snotfinger. Established by the goblins of the Snotfinger Clan as a school of engineering, in time it would become a city on its own merits. The purpose would end up being to both educate the next generation of expert goblin weapon-makers and engineers, as well as keep them and their experiments safely away from where they might blow up something actually important.
-10% Military Technology Cost

Chainbreaker WarsEven during the Greentide, the Serpentspine was far from emptied of orcs. Dookanson would send plenty of warbands back into the mountains to rally orcish warriors and capture goblin slaves. This would lead to the Chainbreaker Wars, where the Snotfinger Clan would ambush orcish slavers making their way to Escann and liberate fellow goblins. Some would join with the Snotfinger Clan, bolstering the clan's numbers and further ensuring that the clan could withstand further struggles.
+25% Army Tradition From Battles
+25% Prestige from Land battles

Trade Through The DwarovarWith the end of the Greentide, the reclamation of Escann and dwarves returning to the Dwarovar led to a time of great difficulty for Clan Snotfinger. In time, however, trade with the surface would be established. Unlike the hidebound and traditional dwarves, Goblins have far fewer scruples in both business partners and methods of acquisition. Goblins, unlike dwarves, are far more capable in extracting the wealth hidden away in the tunnels and caverns of the Serpentspine. With markets in Escann reopening, it is only natural for us to take our fair share, especially with those unfairly turned away by the dwarves for petty things like "Murder" or "Smuggling". Of course, taking a little bit extra off the top to finance wars and other endeavors is just the price of doing solid, reputable business in the Dwarovar
+10% Trade Efficiency

Slobald Piestealer's GojuiceInvented by the Snotfinger inventor Slobald Piestealer, Gojuice is a potent concoction originally designed to keep him awake forever, thereby increasing productivity. After making it, Slobald quickly, and fatally, discovered the lethal side effects of continued consumption of his invention.\n\nThankfully his daughter and lab assistant Qihx was able to save the recipe, while also reducing the dosage per cup. It is now used to help Snotfinger soldiers run down retreating enemies, giving them a burst of speed and energy to ensure that none of the enemy escape to fight again.
+15% Movement Speed


