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Banbe Anen

{ReligiousDescription|religion=eagle_worship|description=“The Eagle reaches towards the heavens resplendent in her knowledge and technique. Yet, she descends once more, returning to the nest to nourish and grow the abilities of her children so they may yet join her.” For the Hobgoblins of the Nomsyulhan Plateau the world itself is in a never ending battle between Order and Chaos. A battle which was heavily spun to Chaos’ favour on the Day of Ashen Skies. A battle they cannot afford to lose again. Order is therefore the defining centerpiece to their faith and percolates into all aspects of life. Hobgoblins under this faith are duty-bound to reach enlightenment such that they may join in this cosmic battle, and crucially, are tasked to return from their flight and elevate those who can not yet fly.}
All Banbe Anen countries receive:

Goblinic Shamanism

{ReligiousDescription|religion=goblinic_shamanism|description=The original religion of most goblins it is a polytheistic and shamanistic religion containing elements of ancestor worship and animism. It is a very diverse and fluid religion, with each subgroup claiming their favourite gods are the most important and often taking over elements from the religions of subjugated and allied peoples. It is divided into multiple cults which are seen as equally valid by the people, equally wrong by the philosophers, and equally useful by the magistrate.}
All Goblinic Shamanism countries receive: