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Primary Culture

-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact
-10% Development Cost

Hopes of the MteibharEver since the days of Munakles, we have called this valley home. The blessings of Nahrei, the creator soul, have given our people the strength to survive for hundreds of years. Thousands of Delaths have tread its hills in journeys of conflict and resolution. The valley was meant for everyone to enjoy its blessings.\n\nBut times are changing.\n\nThe Delaths have consolidated and grown in strength as outsiders begin to encroach on our lands. The many small Delaths in the center of the valley have joined together to form one united Mteibhara. Together, we will protect the valley from arrogant conquerors and keep the peace. Under our guise, the valley will remain open to all who seek its respect in the proper way.
+15% Fort Defence

Grand ConfederationMteibhara grew in the heart of the Mteibhas valley when the Delaths saw how the world was evolving around them and chose to adapt. They forsook their previous freedoms in life to dedicate themselves to protecting their homes under one united state. Thus, the first Rabulath took power, marking the beginning of the Grand Confederation and the state of Mteibhara.\n\nEver since then, the Rabulaths have led the Confederation and guided the people of Mteibhara. From conflicts to internal issues, the Rabulath’s have been able to make swift reforms across the lands when needed, operating at a birds-eye view above the petty rivalries and squabbles of the Delaths.
+15% Reform Progress Growth

Bending the WorldThe world revolves around the creator spirit, Nahrei, for she is the world herself. She has passed down to us the art of Geomancy in the hopes that we may use it to better our surroundings.\n\nAs its name describes, Geomancy is the magic of bending the earth around us. No stone or metal can resist its grasp, as the many mages of the valley shift the world at their discretion.\n\nGeomancy, though, is inherently based on martial arts and not some form of mysticism. Holding a strong stance, being firmly placed upon the earth, and fully committing the soul to the act comprises Geomancy as is. Thus, Geomancy is about being strong-willed, disciplined, and determined. Only then are mages able to move the Earth after all, and only once the regular man learns these lessons can he bear a similar weight. Whether it be in simple laboral tasks or tests of the mind, the forms of Geomancy allow our people to stay physically fit and mentally prepared.\n\nThese magical abilities have shaped our society, allowing for buildings to be constructed and for society to flourish around earth and steel. As strong as the bones of the world, we are beloved by Nahrei, and we honor her gifts to us always.
+50% Army Drill Gain Modifier

Outsider PracticesThe Kheionai were seen as mysterious people when they first made contact with us. They were blue of skin, with dark hair and a sleek manner of talking. Even compared to our northern brethren, they looked mutated. One thing that clearly hadn’t been affected, though, was their minds. They loved to talk about philosophy and the new technologies they invented, and many of our people were captivated by the wondrous words they spoke. The moment we were able to get our hands on these things, we began to make them ourselves. It showed first in our steel armor, which grew to incorporate the intricate designs of the master bronzesmiths of Alecand. Soon, infrastructure was constructed based on the wonders in cities like Kherka and Lokemeion, and people wore silk clothes like those from Kimanis.\n\nSimple parodying would not last long, for the Mteibhar are innovative people. Advancements were made, and the Mteibhar grew past reliance on imports. The strong steels in our armors and blades surpassed those of Alecand, and the arts were transformed by joining Alecandi styles with depictions of idolatry and worship of the souls in our valley.\n\nAs more people come over the horizon, we hope to greet them with open arms, learning all they have to offer about the wider world and using them for our own purposes.
-5% Technology Cost

Elves of the ValleyOne thing that outsiders haven’t been able to learn is to live within the valley. The continuously mountainous terrain and the endemic wildlife cause the valley to become a new world to newcomers. Nahrei has given our people, and our people alone, the wisdom of survival within it. We have been guided to where the food and shelter are, and we have made our own after trial and error. We have grown from throwing sticks and stones to making art with iron and gold. After thousands of years of learning Nahrei’s ways, we see the results of the lessons she has taught us. In her world, we will succeed, knowing that her gifts are ever-present. When others attempt to do the same without going through the hardships we have suffered, we may observe and laugh as they fail again and again.
-10% Land Maintenance Modifier

Modernizing SteelThe arrival of new technologies within our lands is always welcomed, but one of the most important to find us was the musket. The Cannorians viewed the weapon as merely the newest technology that would allow them to conquer new lands. The Kheionai were soon to adopt a similar mindset. Mteibharans, though, saw more in the weapon than mere utility. In the intricacies of the rifle’s form and function, from stock to lock to barrel, they saw the decisive and powerful disciplines of geomancy at play. The weapons took on a mystic quality and were seen as among Nahrei’s greatest gifts for their expression of the decisive, swift, and powerful aspects of the earth.\n\nOn the field, the Mteibhara integrated geomantic techniques into the operation of their guns, guiding and bending the bullets fired from their muskets, thereby becoming strong contenders for the title of best marksmen on Halann. Befitting their status as holy items, each gun they carried was handcrafted by the greatest of their artisans, made fully of steel, and customized with intricate details personal to the soldier that wielded them. Over generations, these carvings accumulated as weapons and were passed through family lines, the peerless guns of the Mteibhar becoming revered and unique pieces of art and war.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

A Sprouting MarketWhen the Mteibhas valley first opened up to the world, we were surprised to learn that metals were a rarity. The Kheionai had bronze and copper, but those were quick to break. The Taychendhi had relics and history that everyone desired, but that did nothing in the way of stopping them from warring once more.\n\nWhen the Cannorians came, we were told that metals like ours were rare and essential. They wanted our metals, and before we knew it, we saw an opportunity. We had plenty to go around and were willing to give, so why not make a profit? Soon, our metals were exported across the ocean to markets far away, earning us a hefty sum. Before we knew it, Cannorians were discovering more resources that they considered extremely rare and that we had never thought of using, such as coal. A Mteibharan market boom was in the making, and the people began to reap the profits as the cities of the Mteibas valley grew in size and wealth.
+10% Trade Efficiency

+10% Artillery Combat Ability


