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{ReligiousDescription|religion=askaeorg|description=Devandi faith, while animistic, is also based on following the example of their legendary leader Munakles, who rose up in defiance and freed the ancestors of the Devandi guiding them west to the Mteibas mountain valley.\n\nThe Chendhyans took a proactive approach in preserving this freedom, and believed that the only way to protect theirs is by taking from others until they weren’t a threat. Leaving the safety of the valley they came across many great felines - mountain lions, cheetahs and jaguars - and they sought to create a bond with these beasts. Today Chendhyans ride and hunt together with the big cats, believing that so long as they prove to be as fierce and independent as the felines, they will be accepted by the animals in turn, and so they spend their days raiding and taking from their neighbors so that their freedom may be kept safe.\n\nAlthough raiding is the most common practice of their faith, trading and exchanging of knowledge isn't frowned upon as long as it is an equivalent exchange.}
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{ReligiousDescription|religion=mazhthramazh|description=Devandi faith, while animistic, is also based on following the example of their legendary leader Munakles, who rose up in defiance and freed the ancestors of the Devandi guiding them west to the Mteibas mountain valley.\n\nThe Mteibhar believed the valley was a sacred place, and spent their lives protecting it. So long as the Mteibhar properly revered it, the spirit of the valley would help them maintain their hard-earned freedom against trespassers.\n\nThe tribes come together periodically for remembrance gatherings where the elders recount the deeds and virtues of Munakles. Other than the protection of the valley, other important virtues are remembrance, betterment and trying to achieve peace where possible.}
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