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Primary Culture

+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre
+1 Land Leader Shock

Looters of BaharMarblehead was the first goblin tribe to arrive in Bahar, but instead of waging wars of conquest around the region they initially settled near the entrance to Shazstundihr and sent out numerous raiding parties across the already desolated Bahar. Bahari peasants who have already suffered from the Decades of Devastation could offer little to no resistance to the goblins, allowing them to gather whatever loot was left in the entire region. Humans kept calling this tribe the great looters for the decades that followed, something that many goblins enjoyed.
+20% Available Loot
+50% Looting Speed

Militarized TribesBefore being forced into exodus by Korgus Dookanson the goblins who would eventually invade Bahar were a fairly militarized group by goblin standards. Their society promoted strict discipline and loyalty to the tribe to a degree comparable to that of Raheni hobgoblins, according to Raheni merchants themselves. Many of the military traditions of the days of old persisted in goblin society even after they settled in Bahar.
+5% Discipline

Extensive Bahari EducationGoblins of Marblehead were the first exodus goblins to understand the value of education and spent considerable effort providing education to some of its high ranking individuals. The first goblin school of Aqatbar was established in 1464 by its current ruler Perzuk who hired several local human teachers to educate goblins in history, theology and language.
-10% Advisor Cost
+1 Possible Advisors
+25% Female Advisor Chance

Religious Non-InterferenceWhile most goblins care not for the religious beliefs of their subjects, Marblehead went one step further and implemented an official policy of religious non-interference in their state, allowing local humans to worship Surael and venerate the elves, granted they pay the obligatory 'Sun Tax'.
+5% National Tax Modifier
+1 Tolerance of Heathens

The Great Library of AqatbarWhen goblins first entered Aqatbar, they were stunned by the size and contents of its library. The library contained a large collection of historical documents, scientific and religious texts and more. After spending years translating them, goblins started producing their own papers, expanding the library with the goal of making it contain all the knowledge in the world.
-5% Technology Cost

Centralization of AqatbarFollowing their war with Baharkand, goblins have conquered the fortress of Aqatbar. Its advantageous position in Bahar did not go unnoticed by the goblins, who pulled their resources towards the new capital and continued the policy of centralisation around Aqatbar for years since. This resulted in the city both growing richer from newly conquered lands and more fully integrated into Marblehead as a whole, with the city becoming predominantly goblin in a few decades.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

Integration of Local TraditionsIn order to distract the common population of their grievances against goblin rule, Marblehead worked hard to undo the damage of their own invasion and the Decades of Devastation. One of the implemented ideas was at first participating in local traditions and feasts, and later even integrating them in goblin society as a whole.
-1 National Unrest

+10% Siege Ability


