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Primary Culture

+20% Caravan Power
+10% Manpower in True Faith provinces

The Slaver's RoadKrahahga literally means ‘The Slaver Road’. To the Bulwari, it means misery, pain and the agony of a hundred lashes from a cruel cackling gnoll, overseeing vast movements of slaves between the Eastern Salahad, Irmsahap and Bulwar. Krahahga has long been one of the vital links in the Sarhali slave trade, and has developed a brutal reputation for both the particular ‘efficiency’ of it’s masters, and for the sheer unspeakable number of unfortunate souls who have passed through it’s sands, onto their harsh doom.
+10% Provincial Trade Power Modifier

Gnoll LandsIf there is one quality and virtue one can give to the gnolls of the Krahahga, it would be tenacity. They endured the Beastbane, they hid from Surael reborn, and have called this land home since the first incursions of gnollkind into Bulwar, making it a truly gnollish land, and one of the first ports of call for gnolls fleeing danger in Bulwar. Here they find safety and succor in exchange for their service in defending the Krah’s Way.
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

Blood LinksThough ever hidden by the sands, if one looked hard enough, they would find bones, picked clean by carrions and blasted by the desert winds. These are the bones of unfortunate Kerho, whose lives were cut short by packmasters and cruel gnollish Xhazobkultists, but many are also the bones of gnolls, very few of whom had the luxury of a peaceful death. Whether displaced by Castan Beastbane, or by Jaher, many gnolls have fled to the Krah’s Way, and many have died on the trip. Those who survived would leave this land, but never forget the shelter they found. Fortunate the packmasters of Krahahga are that this is the case, as almost every Sandfang gnoll and many Sorrowclaw gnolls can trace their legacy back to the oasis of the Krah’s Way, and are more than willing to engage in diplomacy with the packmasters here, even as their faith has strayed from the worship of demons to the Khet or Surael.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Desert of Bones'I couldn’t help but pause in horror as I crested that dune, enough to almost regret having done so. Rotting, rancid carcasses, left to be picked clean by the carrion birds, decorated with gnollish writing and positioned to form an almost morbid path towards the distant slave markets of the ‘Krah’s Way’. Our commitment is stronger than ever. We will not fall for the mind games of these gnolls. We will cleanse this land in the name of Surael.' - A diary recovered from the bags of a skeleton in the peripheries of the Krah’s Way.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Self-exile SuccessionGnolls are a contentious people, very few would argue that. It’s curious then that the packs of the Krahahga would prove near immune to these issues, largely escaping protracted sibling squabbles and the usual treachery of succession. The reason is simple. The Krah Way, whilst profitable, was small, and not that wealthy. Most gnolls ambitious enough to wish control of the pack were also ambitious enough to prefer a prize of greater quality for their efforts. Most of the time, this would end in disaster, but for some lucky few, they could claim a domain far richer and more hospitable, the most notable being Zheh the Scholar, who managed to claim dominion over the rich lands of Aqatbar, far outstripping her sister who remained to rule Krahahga.
-10% Stability Cost Modifier

The Kerho TaxNo trade outpost can escape their dues. Cannorian merchants grumble as their ship is stopped at the Damesteeth toll, Bulwari merchants scoff at the prices of admittance to the wealthy jewels of Rahen, but few have paid a heavier price than those who passed through the Krah’s Way. The Kerho tax, as it would come to be referred to, demanded a very simple price for those who passed. A single slave, to be sacrificed upon a great pyre to the Xhazobs. For much of history, the gnollish slave traders who frequented the way gladly handed over their weakest and least valuable slaves so that they could rid themselves of their dead weight and serve the kult. Whilst this practice officially was stopped when Konolkhatep came to rule over Krahahga and enforced official conversion to Khetism, those in the know advised those unfortunate enough to pass through to be wary of the gnolls of the toll gates, and pray to whomever they believed in that the guardsmen didn’t deem their screams sweet.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Between EmpiresThe positioning of Krahahga made it ideal as a place for the trading of slaves and goods from sub-Salahadi Sarhal and Bulwar, but would also place the Packmasters of the area in a difficult position. To the east were the Jaddari, fiercely anti-slavery zealots of the sun god Surael, and to the west was Konolkhatep, traitors to the kult who would sooner see the Krah ways stamped out than allow them peace. The packmasters threw their support in with Gnollakaz and the pack's fierce leader Grizaka. Whilst this would secure their existence for some time, it would place them into an increasingly difficult position as tensions between the Khetist factions and the Xhazobkult within Gnollakaz simmered to a boiling point. Being proud Xhazobkultists, the packleaders of Krahahga supported Xuret, and the kult. This proved quite the mistake, as the kultist faction was crushed, and the pack rendered a mere Khetist Satrapy. When the Gunpowder Xhaz rose, the last hurrah of the packmasters went up alongside it, choosing to support the demonic war until the end. This would be the end of the pack, as it was reduced to nothing but a garrison and market for Konolkhatep, their legendary guile and savvy diplomacy failing them at last.
+1 Diplomats

+1 Merchants


