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Primary Culture

+100% Army Tradition From Battles
+15% Land Force Limit Modifier

Firanyas FlockThe legacy of Firanya is one that many an eager talon reach for. From the other flocks of the Harpy Hills to our Siadunan kin residing in the far east of the Salahad, all strive to claim it, blithely asserting why their flock is supposedly the one most deserving of her vaunted inheritance as the ruler of all Harpykind. But no matter the various declarations of the petty matriarchs of both the hills and beyond, it is clear and indisputable that the primary heir of Firanya is none other than we of Firanyalen!\n\nIt is from our great mountains that she first built her base of power and constructed the first roosts. It is from our ancient hills that we soared outwards under her mighty rule and conquered what would be known from then on as the Harpy Hills. And it is our flock, Firanyalen, that established the original Queendom of Harpylen and forever immortalized us as the greatest and oldest of the harpy flocks. The Harpy Hills are ours to rightfully rule, and though the First Queendom may have fallen long ago, the other flocks shall live under our royal all-encompassing wings once again.
+0.5 Yearly Devotion
+0.5 Yearly Horde Unity
+0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.5 Yearly Prestige
+0.15 Yearly Republican Tradition

Never BrokenTime and time again, our flock has stood against opponent after opponent, and time and time again, we have truly fallen to none. Our warriors have crushed Mišarallen, held fast against Nansalen, clashed with invading Sun Elves, and driven back ferocious Black Orc raiders more than once.\n\nEven when we were defeated by our traitorous kin, we knew that defeat was merely a setback. No matter what flock attempts to wrest control of the cradle of Harpykind, the true heirs of Firanya will always rise once more to challenge the false pretenders to her legacy and reclaim our rightful throne once more.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

The Šebšadi OrcsThe Sebsadi Orcs, or Green Mountain Orcs, are an ethnic group of orcs unique to the lands of Firanyalen. Originally the result of orcish migration to the region from Hul Jorkad over time, the Sebsadi are noted for their unique earthy green skin color shared by no other group of orc.\n\nThese Orcs are the primary people our harpies have mated with for generations and are an integral part of both our nation and what it means to be Firanyaleni. They are featured in all but our oldest songs and the voices of their shamans have in more recent times, joined in tandem with ours to make the glorious chorus that is Firanyalen. Meanwhile, generations of mating with the Sebsadi has led to many of our flock exhibiting the combined toughness and strength of both orc and harpy through a larger stature and darker feathers. Through their blood, our people gain power, and with that power, our warriors crush our enemies with the inherited ferocious might of both harpy and orc.
+8% Shock Damage
-5% Shock Damage Received

Gifts Of FiranyalenIf an unenlightened outsider were to gaze upon our beloved lands, they would see mere rugged hills and mountains bereft of anything of note. But there is far more to discover should one look deeper.\n\nThere are the ancient ruins and barrows of the Asigallu that dot the hills and the long abandoned ogre ruins of fortified camps making for excellent locations to construct our roosts. With the rich iron ore scattered about the hills of Kotierontol, our local smiths ensure that no metal goes to waste and that every Firanyaleni warrior wields glistening blades and loose mighty arrows sourced from our lands. And, there is the mighty Jorkad River which flows into our great lake of the same name, which provides us with bounties of Vinun Fish to catch from.\n\nOur land is worthy of its fair share of respect and songs, and though most outside may never know of its true glory, we make sure to use it to its full potential.
+10% Production Efficiency

Friends Of The MistforestFor millennia, the mysterious Mistforest to our west remained shrouded from us, until a momentous day when to our shock the veil to the enigmatic forest fell, and we were most surprised to see a group of orcs neither of the Sebsadi nor the Black Orcs of Hul Jorkad inhabiting the other side. In the following years, several expeditions were sent forth, both by Firanyalen primarily to gauge the danger these new groups posed, and by the adventurous flock of Hytiranyalen.\n\n There we discovered both beautiful marvels and horrific monsters, until eventually after flying over both Forest Goblin and orc lands, the harpies would arrive in Ciranmyna, the Mistforest's sole mountain and home of the previously unencountered Wood Elves. Though the sight of the harpy newcomers was for certain unexpected, our flock was met with a puzzling amenity, later discovered due to the mistaken belief we were a new species of fey.\n\nRegardless, from that moment the Ciranmyna Exchange would form, where harpies mainly from Firanyalen would take a route over the Deepwoods until arriving in Ciranmyna to conduct trade and diplomacy. Over time this relationship would grow ever closer, and with the eventual fall of Karakhanbar and new border with the now united Cyranvar, would ultimately culminate in a treaty of friendship between us and Wood Elvenkind.
+1 Diplomatic Relations

The TalonTusksThe Talontusk style would be born from the legendary duo of Zeyni and Ghashor, a union that Firanyalen commemorates to this day for their storied feats in combat.\n\nThere was the infamous "Death Cry" where Zeyni would use the legendary harpy screech to shock and stun foes enabling Ghashor to rush forward blade ready slaying disoriented foes with one powerful swing. Then there was the "Feather and Steel" where Zeyni would fly overhead striking foes with ranged attacks. When the enemy had had enough and retaliated with counter missiles an awaiting Ghashor would seize on the distracted foe. And, of course, the famed "Talon and Tusk", from which the Talontusk style derives its name, where orc and harpy enter melee together, not as two warriors, but as one pair engaged in a macabre dance of death.\n\nThough the pair would ultimately meet a heroic if tragic end, together they forged the signature strengths of both harpy and orc into a deadly legacy that lives on to this day.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Firanyas Path"My first leaving my native Cyranvar would take me to the lands of Firanyalen. I was but a young elf at the time and entirely unprepared when I stepped upon Firanyas’ Path. The harsh winds and steep climbs of the Path were nothing I had experienced. With rash youth, I wondered why anyone would brave such a treacherous venture. And then I reached Rytunthei.\n\nCutting through the clouds, Rytunthei was a flurry of commerce. Dwarves and orcs, Bulwari and Sun Elves, and, of course, Wood Elves and Forest Goblins, were caught haggling and bartering. Ayeth bows, dwarven mithril chains, and Jaddari incense and so much more were exchanged. All while the local harpies kept watch with careful eyes.\n\nSuch activity was there that it was only at the setting sun did I finally make my way to find lodging. After pushing past a stubborn Lead Dwarf, a flicker of light on the horizon caught my attention. Then another. And another. They dotted the various mountains of the Harpy Hills. After a moment’s pause, I realized - they were other outposts. Each connected by the Path. Feeling humbled about my past doubts of the Path, I retired, eager to see more."- Armyn Stynài, Field Chronicler"
+10% Global Trade Power

+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition


