Harpy cults

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The Hunt

{ReligiousDescription|religion=the_hunt|description=The Hunt is the name for the traditional religious beliefs of the Bulwari harpies. An animistic faith with elements of ancestor worship, the Hunt’s teachings are passed down to the new generations via songs, whose themes traditionally include the histories of ancient matriarchs and the actions or characteristics of certain birds, among other subjects. The songs work in a similar fashion to fables, since their function is to lead to a particular moral or practical lesson about how to be a hunter, an ideal shared by most Harpy societies.\n\nHarpies see the act of hunting as the pursuit of one's objective, which could be something physical like mates or riches, or more philosophical, like knowledge.\n\nWhile the Hunt doesn’t have any form of clergy, each flock has a Songster, whose duty is to remember the songs, sing in festivities and pass down their knowledge to the next generation. It's very common for a song to vary from one flock to another.}
All The Hunt countries receive: