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Primary Culture

-1 National Unrest
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

Never Trust a Fey"Remember, Syz. You cannot trust the Fey."\n"I know, papa. But, I want to know why."\n"Because long ago, the Fey betrayed the Goblins."\n"For doing what?"\n"Nothing."\n"That’s not a good reason!"\n"Does a beast need a reason to bite you? It’s just its nature."\n"So all fey are bad?"\n"That’s right, Syz. All fey are bad. And we must always be watchful."\n"Okay, papa."
+20% Foreign Spy Detection

This Always To TyrantsOubblig, curse his name, was born into our clan. And for a time, we followed him under the now vile banner of Oubbligsband. We didn’t know any better at the time. After all, it was he who defeated our long rivals, the Skulldrummers. And, it was he who slew the elven leader of Salla Cenag. No goblin had done so much in such little time. But, upon his defeat by the orcs, the secret of Oubblig’s success was revealed. He committed the greatest sin of all Forest Goblins for power; he had made a pact with the Fey.\n\nWhen the truth came out, it was one of our own who confronted Oubblig. Our nameless hero could not kill Oubblig, puppet of the Fey, but they did maim him. And that was enough. Soon, as one clan, we ousted him and his wretched followers. And as they fled, we swore an oath, "This always to tyrants."
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

The Other GoblinsOur clan has changed. We are still a tribe of goblins, but not all of us call ourselves Forest Goblins. Many in our clan are newly freed slaves from the wretched orcs. Unlike us, they come not from dark forests of the Deepwoods but rather from the deep caverns of the Serpentspine. \n\nWhile we do not regret saving them from orcish oppression, we cannot help but recognize they are a little strange. They don’t talk quite like us. They don’t look quite like us. And, they don’t think quite like us. The first one can be fixed. The second we will just have to ignore. But, the last one… it might prove valuable.
-10% Idea Cost

Inherited RealmDeposing Oubblig was done out of duty. No self respecting Forest Goblin would abide by a Pactseeker goblin. But, there were other benefits to dealing with that traitorous tyrant. For starters, we control far more land than we ever did before. And, despite his irredeemable sin, Oubblig left us with an innovative system of administration. \n\nNo longer does our clanboss have to personally task our clan members. Instead, they can delegate these tasks to loyal, "lesser" clanbosses. With fewer goblins to deal with we can spend less time and money handling our new lands!
-20% State Maintenance

From the FringesOur clan is all too familiar with making more with less. Our ancestors, their ancestors, and THEIR ancestors spent their lives on the edges of the various groves that dot the Deepwoods. It was a poor place, little more than sticks, stones, and a whole lot of nasty creatures wanting to eat goblins. Despite this, the Forest Goblins endured and even thrived. The beasts that threatened us quickly learned our old adage - "Sticks and stones can break bones."\n\nToday, our clan has a proper home and proper weapons. But that doesn’t mean we’ve forgotten how much can be done with less, and the tenacious spirit of our ancestors is still with us.
-10% Land Maintenance Modifier

Clanboss by Prowess, Not PactEvery goblin clan needs a clanboss. They need a goblin who ensures that a clan works together, with an iron fist as needed. Us forest goblins are no different. However, there are some that believe that a pact with a dirty fey is all you need to become clanboss. That a little bit of unearned magic will get you the clan’s respect.\n\nNot in our clan.\n\nOnly the strongest goblins, the smartest goblins, and the biggest goblins have the right to be clanboss. A clanboss must earn their position. And that means showing you’ve got what it takes.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Bramble-BurnersFire has always been a favorite of our clan. It provides warmth and light. Its eerie dance can be hypnotic as it cackles and cracks. And, it is terribly effective at beating back the hostile bramble and foliage of the Deepwoods. When we heard of a substance that could ignite with such force it could shoot balls of stone and metal across the battlefield, we were more than interested.\n\nIt took a dozen tries and more than a few immolated goblins, but from this substance, known in common as "gunpowder", we created the Bramble-Burner. Capable of hurtling flaming projectiles over two hundred steps away, it is the perfect weapon for clearing the Deepwoods of anything in our way, be it flora or otherwise.
+10% Land Fire Damage

+10% Goods Produced Modifier


