Grasshopper Muncher

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Grasshopper Muncher

Primary Culture

+50% Looting Speed
-25% Military Advisor Cost

At The Bottom And On The FrontlinesWhile all goblins were slaves to the orcs, some had more privileges than others. Some got to ride proudly into battle on the backs of giant spiders and dogs. Some got to avoid war altogether instead singing for their orcish lords. Some were tough enough to bully other goblins into getting what they want, whether that be the best pickings from the scraps orcs handed out or the best place to sleep. However, this was not us. We were expendable, whether in war as cannon fodder or as drudges in the camps. We were forced to eat bare bones and whatever bugs we could scrounge up and had to sleep in cramped quarters and on hard ground. We even had a special nickname for our kind, “grasshopper munchers”. But this past does not bring us shame, it is what unites us. We now determine our own fates. We now choose to stand together and fight as one – our strength in numbers used to our benefit instead of the orcs’. We now choose to eat the bugs in remembrance of our roots and its excellence as a source of protein.
-10% Infantry Cost

Goblins Sneaky TacticsWe goblins were nothing but fodder to the Dookanson, used as flimsy meat shields. And while we were slaughtered by adventurer firearms, the orcs mindlessly charged after the first barrage, running over every dying goblin and bringing them to an agonising end.\n\n Now that we are free, this will no longer be. We will fight as we learned in the darkness of the caverns, cleverly hiding and attacking with poisoned arrows, ambushing enemy leaders and bleeding their armies. This is the way of goblin warfare, and it is the way we will forever follow as long as we are free.
-10% Shock Damage Received

InvestationDespite gathering an immense amount of loot from Escann, the clan began to see the writing on the wall before most other goblins did. Looting was not going to be sustainable in the long term, so a debate raged within the clan on how it could remain profitable moving forward. Many ideas were floated, but one truly spread like fire: What if we were to put back the loot where we took it? You have to spend money to make money after all! With Escann in utter ruin, there was plenty of opportunity to be found, especially among the many who were desperate to get a helping hand from anyone willing to reach out. The clan quickly began heading to places across Escann, such as the city of Carlanhal, under the guise of well meaning traders looking to assist in rebuilding efforts while only asking for a bit of ownership in return. In time, the clan would have a stake in every business in a town, and with that, the trap would be set. Slowly, all value and wealth would be siphoned out of the town, sending it back to the clan’s coffers and making sure not a single coin made it back into circulation. Once a place was left dry, the clan moved on to its next target.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+10% Trade Power Abroad

Life Under The Blue SkyThough still a hostile place with our former captors and adventurers still lurking, Escann is a much more pleasant place to live than the Serpentspine, with its lush forests and serene lakes. Here, we need not fight over any source of food or water for there is plenty for all.\n\n With this bounty has come changes among the clans. The ancient traditions celebrated in the darkness of the caves are now festivals in the sunlight and under the shadow of ancient ruined temples consecrated to the many gods of mankind. In this beautiful place, we gblins can create something better than our ancient homeland. Perhaps we found a home at last.
-2 National Unrest

Looting For KnowledgeEscann is not only rich in food and resources, but also knowledge. Among the old human ruins are books, scrolls and all manner of written stuffs that survived the desolation brought by the Dookanson. All as valuable as any other loot.\n\n However, these texts are written in a language unlike the crude tongue of the Dwarves we came to grudgingly learn. If we are to make use of this treasure we must decipher this language. Fortunately, we goblins are equally cunning and intelligent. To learn this "common" script, we will capture those adventurers who can and force them to teach us the language of humanity, and learn from the knowledge left by those who inhabited these beautiful lands before us
-5% Idea Cost
-3% Technology Cost

The NaegubWith the progressive modernisation of the clans, a new social class is emerging, created by those goblins who are considered within the clan to be the most astute and have the best manners, as well as having managed to adapt more quickly to the language of humanity than their congeners. They are the Naegub.\n\n Ranging from merchants to negotiators and even diplomats, they act as the link between the clan and the realms of the other civilised races. They are involved in every transaction and negotiation, be they commercial or political, always wringing the most they can for the clan (and themselves). As such, it is a role of great power. Something that garners immense respect, and envy, within the clan.
+10% Trade Efficiency

Swarmed By ExpectationsLong gone are the days of goblins backstabbing one another. Since the founding of our clan, we have prided ourselves on our teamwork – cooperation is our greatest asset towards achieving success. From the bottom and by the bootstraps, we raised this clan up together. It was the hard work and dedication of every single goblin of the clan, both dead and alive, that contributed to the success of our people and our way of life. All that bloodshed and our commitment to each other makes us more than a clan, but instead a big family! And as a family, all are expected to act with manners and kindness to their fellow kin. No one likes a non team player after all! Remember, as a Grasshopper Muncher, keep your head high, and absolutely always make sure to smile and say “My pleasure”.
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

+10% Global Trade Power


