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Primary Culture

+50% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
-10% Shock Damage Received

Spidersilk CrawlersOur lands are called the Spidernest for good reason. The abundant giant spiders found here are not only useful as mounts in war but as plentiful sources of spider silk, a material that makes for light yet surprisingly strong armor when woven correctly. By cladding our vanguard forces in this material, we can create a tough, durable, and yet mobile form of cavalry.
+20% Cavalry Combat Ability

VenombrewVenombrew is a special type of alcohol, made from the careful distillation of certain toxic cultivations of Serpentsbloom, cave fungus, and finally a careful concoction of various spider venoms. The drink is known to cause hallucinogenic visions when imbibed in all but the smallest amounts, making it a favorite of artists and inventors. Overuse can lead to decay of internal organs, temporary or permanent paralysis, and death.
-5% Idea Cost
+0.5 Yearly Prestige

Cavern LordsThe winding and labyrinthine caverns of the Dwarovar create ideal conditions for the formation of many small self-sufficient townships. While it can be difficult to control and tax these disparate settlements, it does allow the locals to reinvest their profits in their economic activities, leading to larger growth on a local level. By appointing local individuals as our representatives, this should hopefully keep complaints to a local level as well.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

The Roofless CavernWhile we will always always be cave dwellers by nature, our realm touches a great roofless cave that is dark and light in equal measure. It is inhabited by strange, four-legged beings of war with the torsos, arms, and head of well built, taller dwarves. From our observations, they seek bloodshed and violence in equal measure from not only each other, but large, fat two legged beings wielding great big clubs and appetites to match.
-2 National Unrest

Goblin-Ogre TradeA single goblin scouting party took it upon themselves to make contact with one of these large fat individuals, who had recently clubbed two of the Four-Legs to death. They had made the usual goblin to orc greeting, which is to snivel for their lives, making an offering of the weakest of the group- Snarflix the Dribbly, as a prize in order to foster relations. Surprisingly, the fat Two-Legs picked up Snarflix, tied him with a rope to his belt, and presented the group a few pieces of bone and gold jewelry, pried from its fat, rotund form. Snarflix, a known cheater at dice will not be missed, and the possibility of further, more mutually beneficial arrangements excites many in the clan who would not mind being rid of some annoying relatives.
+10% Caravan Power
+5 Merchant Trade Power

Foreign Cavalry LessonsThe four-legged roamers of the Roofless Cavern, whom we have seen time and time again from the caves which spill into the big empty flats, are masters of mobile warfare. As well, the dwarves of old had their ram-lords and their stocky beasts, some of which survive today, mostly as livestock for the goblins and ogres who now dwell in the Serpent's Vale. While our mounts of choice are far more carnivorous, many of the lessons both employed can be adapted in one way or another for our use.
+0.25 Cavalry Shock

Madness BombsUtilizing our knowledge of alchemy, spider venoms, and other natural hallucinagens, our potion-makers have devised several alchemical concoctions designed to spread terror and confusion on the battlefield. This is merely the next step in a long and storied tradition of brewing Venombrew and other interesting poisons. Very potent, these bombs are extremely capable of devastating entrenched positions, as well as disrupting enemy formations and making them vulnerable to our charging crawlers. Caution is advised for usage in small spaces. Our own warriors getting caught in the blast once was hilarious, but the Clanboss would prefer it not happen again.
+10% Land Fire Damage

-10% Cavalry Cost


