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Primary Culture

+10% Infantry Combat Ability
+20% Spy Network Construction

Daggers of the ClanbossThe Clanboss of the Truedagger Clan employs many assassins and cutthroats for punishing breakers of the law, or whoever happened to cross them that evening at dinner. To steal from the Clan, or worse, the Clanboss, is to invite a knife to your back and a garrote around your throat. Treason is even more ruthlessly punished, with the offending goblin or goblins having wire run through their arms, their legs broken, and then strung up on posts by earlier mentioned wire, dangling several feet in the air. Death is slow and cruel, and any attempting to aid the punished will instead join them.
+10% Foreign Spy Detection
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Return of the DwarvesWith the emptying of the Serpentspine, the dwarves have returned. Many other clans may see this as a critical threat to our existence, as they come armed with new weapons, new tactics and far more zeal than the ancestors which fled to whatever misbegotten corner of the world they had dug to. However, dwarves are creatures of habit and tradition, and the importance they place on their reclamation can be exploited like any weakness. Should we have to combat them, we can easily divert their slavish devotion and short attention spans with a few dwarven "relics" here and there. They will naturally seek to recover what is essentially trash, dividing themselves before us.
+2 Tolerance of Heathens

Serpentspine Gladiatorial SportsThe goblins of Clan Truedagger are fond of many things, such as knives, darts, nets, and the like. They are just as fond of duels, brawls, and other expressions of violence, not even necessarily between two goblins. As of late, captured slaves, be they goblin, orc, or dwarf, are often pitted against each other in vastly publicized arena fights. Fights between beasts and monsters are also common, and slaves versus monsters is a particular favourite of the crowds. The less armed the slaves, the better.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

The Values of CunningGoblins are, generally speaking, very impatient. Many goblins are simply looking for a way to one-up their neighbor, or the quickest route to success. This is one of our people's greatest assets, as it drives us forward. But Clan Truedagger breeds a smarter goblin than the average. There is a time for patience and a time for expediency. Why rush, after all, if your opponent is doomed to fail? Especially when you can, with half the effort they put in, make them fall twice as far?
-20% Envoy Travel Time
-20% Cost to fabricate claims

Unrestricted RaidingIn warfare, nothing is fair. The enemy, regardless of their nature, must be broken in both body and spirit. There are many ways to achieve this, but one that Clan Truedagger finds particularly useful is raiding. By allowing our warriors unrestricted rights to pillage and plunder during campaigns is an excellent incentive to not only move quickly through territory, as their fellow soldiers also plunder the countryside, but keep morale high during sieges.
+20% Available Loot

The Lessons of LeadershipWhat makes a leader worth following? Respect? Fear? Violence? The Clanboss of the Truedagger Clan must use a mixture of all three, but not always in equal measure. Sometimes, a Clanboss must be respected and feared, or feared and bloodied. Or violent and respected. A Clanboss who can use and be all three is a successful Clanboss, a Clanboss that fails to inspire these will not be Clanboss for long.
+0.5 Yearly Devotion
+0.5 Yearly Horde Unity
+0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
+1 Monarch Military Skill
+0.15 Yearly Republican Tradition

Clever CannonfireGoblins are fond of explosives, this is a simple, fundamental fact of our people. Finding ways to properly harness this fondness, however, is slightly more difficult. As it stands, cannons are bulky, heavy things unfit to be carried by a goblin. However, one tinkerer has happened upon a method of making a lighter cannon, capable of being carried by a team of eight goblins, two of which are reserved for carrying the powder and ammunition. Though small, these rapidly deployable cannons are capable of being set up in harder to reach places with enough preparation, allowing for devastating ambushes and clever cannonfire.
+5% Artillery Combat Ability
+1 Attrition for Enemies

+10% Shock Damage


