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Primary Culture

+5% Discipline
+10% Monstrous Tribes Loyalty Equilibrium
+10% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium

The Legacy of Dak ChaingrasperThe legendary Dak Chaingrasper was a goblin mage of immense power who ascended became the clanboss of the Chaingrasper Clan in 1442 at age 36, Dak was also a brilliant administrator and cunning mage. In the early days of his rule, He brought the Chaingrasper Clan to fully absorb or eliminate the other clans within the hold of Ovdal-az-Ân by clever diplomacy and destructive magics, and further drive the remnants of the hold's dwarven population into its depths. Beyond his military achievements, Dak also implemented a complex system of administration. His influence, and thus his greatness, runs to the very core of what the Chaingrasper Clan is today.
+0.5 Yearly Prestige
+5% Shock Damage

The Amber WarsAs the Chaingrasper clan established itself in the Dwarovar, it became clear to the clan's leadership that conquering and integrating the disunited goblins of the wilds was necessary to the Clan's survival and dominance. However, they were not alone in their efforts to dominate the Tree of Stone. Ovdal Kanzad, sensing opportunity in the chaos of the disunity of the goblin clans in the western regions of the Tree of Stone had begun to expand once more. The next decades of Chaingrasper's existence would come to be defined by the long struggle to control the western section of the Tree of Stone and the many goblin lives lost during it.
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

The Value of a LifeAn enemy fortress crushed and slaughtered? 100,000 slaves dead in the siegeworks. A new floor of the hold? 400,000 slaves buried under the floor. A statue of the legendary Dak Chaingrasper himself? Priceless.
+10% National Tax Modifier

The Iron TokenThe Iron Token is a system of conscription implemented by the Chaingrasper Clan to aid in wars against their many foes. All goblin citizens within the lands controlled by the Chaingrasper Clan may choose to receive the Iron Token. A crude, but enchanted piece of iron metal, the Iron Token is a symbol of service in the army. After serving for a period of 8 years, a veteran may retire, or receive a new, more well crafted token. After retiring, the veteran goblin is rewarded with grants of land, administrative positions, or simple wealth depending on rank and type of service.
+20% National Manpower Modifier

The Granite CouncilOne of the major reforms of Dak to our clan's system of centralized administration, the Granite Council. Named after the large granite slab taken from Ovdal-az-Ân that the council meets upon, the council oversees much of the administration of the Chaingrasper Clan. This kind of control in goblin society can only be maintained via carefully ensuring that powerful goblins feel they have a measure of control. By setting the wealthy, intelligent, and powerful goblins against each other via the Granite Council, the Clanboss can maintain control while also staying well advised, showing favoritism and discarding the inconvenient as necessary to manipulate the Granite Council into following their vision.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
+5 Maximum Absolutism

The Week of StabbingsDak Chaingrasper did not always rule the clan as it stands now. Once, what would become the Chaingrasper Clan was a weak, minor clan in the politics of the goblins that had come to inhabit the upper reaches of Ovdal-az-Ân, with Dak inheriting the Clan through clever manipulations. The destiny of Clan Chaingrasper changed with the Week of Stabbings. Making use of his powerful magics, Dak would cast hexes, curses, and other malicious enchantments to bring his rivals to a gruesome end, often at the hands of their own people. This would culminate in a weeklong period of violence by Dak, as he used his magic to browbeat enough clans into submission, creating the Chaingrasper Clan as it is known today.
+10% Production Efficiency

The Battleaxe ManifestoWritten by the retired soldier Dakez Orangebelt, the Battleaxe Manifesto was a radical political work that called for the organization of goblin society on highly militaristic lines. According to Dakez, the natural state of goblins is to war for resources. As a state is but an accumulation of its people, a goblin state must be in a constant state of war against its neighbors in order to secure resources and living space. While Dakez's ramblings are indeed quite insane, there are a few choice parts we can make use of.
-5% Infantry Cost
+10% Morale of Armies

-10% Development Cost


