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Primary Culture

+20% Garrison Size
+15% National Tax Modifier

The Phokhao PeacocksThe Diplomatic Corp of Semifírë, the Phokhao Peacocks, are known across all Haless for their skillful negotiation and mediatory prowess. Even in the face of Bianfang’s armies, our Matriarch Ubiçí negotiated a peaceful resolution, as did her ancestors before her.\n\nFor generations, we have built cordial relationships with the Kai to our south and such have managed to dissuade coming to blows, to the point where we have developed a positive relationship with the Nephrite Hold within the mountain we call home and their subjects at our foothills.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

The Mountain RavensWithin the diplomatic apparatus of the Semifírë flock is a small unit of elite spies, the Mountain Ravens. Experts of subterfuge and interrogation, they are able to swiftly extract secrets from whomever is unlucky enough to be their mark. This has the added benefit of aiding the acquisition of loot from the Namjyuut to the north, whose rich forests are unable to hide from the attentive eyes and ears of our most skilled spies.
+10% Available Loot
+20% Spy Network Construction

Ancient SongsWe are the only of our sisters to still sing songs of the Hunt, as many have been swayed by our Righteous Path neighbours to the south and north. Our songs, by comparison, are truly ancient, with some dating back to our first flights east from Sad Siádan, along the Serpentspine, with some even telling of our time spent on mount Tughayasa. This rich tapestry of history in song has given every harpy in Semifírë Flock a strong connection to their foremothers, and even the new songs that travel to our ears from our sisters in the south, west and north have yet to replace them.
+10% Religious Power

Hinphat-Yan ConnectionThe Semifírëan roost lies in an advantageous position for trade, right in between Yanshen and Thidinkai. Our relations with the Hold of Verkal Ozovar has allowed us to leverage our position in the trade route for those who wish to bypass the merchants of the Xianjie, and in doing so lets us secure trade routes to sell our wares, as well as acquire mates. Hinphat wares are often found in the various homes scattered throughout the roost from years past, either purchased by sanctioned merchants or acquired by those under less scrupulous watch, and has even led to finding markets along the Yanhe for our artisan-crafted jewelry.
+15% Production Efficiency

Mothers of all Halessi FlocksOur roost is the oldest roost in all Haless that still stands to this day. All bar one flock first called our peaks home, and all still find sisters amongst our skies. We are the mother of the flocks of all Haless, our feathers fly from Chien Binhrung, through P'ezarang all the way up to Balrijin. Our daughters may leave to find their own nests, but these peaks of diamond will never empty, as their new sisters will take flight and join them year, after year, after year.
-10% Development Cost in Primary Culture

Joint ConstructionOur roost lies atop the Phokhao Range, and we are not its only residents. The Nephrite Dwarves of Verkal Ozovar have called these peaks home far longer than us, and we have sought to maintain a positive relationship throughout that. This has led to some fruitful outcomes, such as a sizable population of Dwarves that live at the ground level of our roosts. Their residence has been of great benefit, as the dwarves’ skill in manual work and construction has picked up in the slack where our natural abilities do not, and thus new additions to the roost are much less expensive to produce and maintain.
-10% Construction Cost

The Wind's FuryOur defense can't only be diplomatic; we do have to prove our strength from time to time. Our skill in the Dancing Breeze may not be as refined as our sisters in the Xia, but we make up for it in ferocity. Our most skilled combatants are able to manipulate the wind to propel blades at such speed that they can separate hand from arm, and have earned our troops the title of "The Wind's Fury".
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

-10% Morale Damage Received


