Nizhn Korvesto

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Nizhn Korvesto

Primary Culture

+33% National Manpower Modifier
+33% Land Force Limit Modifier

The JazhobedinWhile other nations may refer to the jazhobedin - our great cities - as "teeming" or perhaps "overrun", we see them as being the beating heart of our new united kingdom. No space will go to waste in the caverns, as an unending deluge of goblin settlers pour forth at the chance of even the smallest space.\n\nWhere a mine can be dug or a hut erected, it shall be, and we will reap the benefits of it. No more shall silence reign in the caverns; it shall be replaced by the ever growing din of goblin-kind.
-15% Development Cost

Courage of the HordeDwarves, hobgoblins, humans. All of them stand in their disciplined lines and stand bravely, armor shining. All of them fall before the might of the goblin horde, the war-chant flying ahead of the wave.\n\nEvery goblin knows that should they falter, they will fall, trampled under foot; but those who march forward, charge forward, roaring, chanting, riding the wave, will be buoyed by a horde!
+10% Morale of Armies

The Rites of LoyaltyNot so long ago, our tribes had traditions regarding loyalty and how one could show it. Imbibing certain mushrooms native to the undergrowth, the petitioner would be afflicted with horrendous visions. Should they survive, and afterwards swear an oath to the chief of the tribe, they would be granted a place within the tribe. With our recent conquest, it has been proposed that this rite be extended to some of our new subjects; should they survive, they could become useful additions to our kingdom.
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

Bringing Purpose to the SlumsOn occasion, subjects residing in the jazhobedin might end up lacking as firm a purpose as the kingdom requires. With the ever growing pressures of international conflict, our most wise and benevolent rulers have come up with a way to fix this problem.\n\nGroups of particularly large, tough goblins and their helpers go through the slums where these poor neglected individuals are, and with encouraging words and forceful persuasion, make them realize what glory they may find in the hordes. Our reserves have never been so full!
+10% Recover Army Morale Speed
+10% Reinforce Speed

A Goblin KingOur people long ago used small, primitive trinkets - such as a stolen scepter, or a broken crown - to show the power of our chiefs. Now that we have taken the treasures of many other lands, and brought others to serve us, we shall make an icon of the power of our leader that will act as a beacon for our people. Whoever wears this Undercrown shall be known as the Goblin King, and all shall bow before them!
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Where There's a Whip There's a WayTo the east the Command uses brutal measures to ensure the servitude of their subjects. In the Underkingdom we do not reduce ourselves to such depravities, and know a whip is merely a tool, not a way of life. Of course we do use whips on our indentured servants, but that is for their own good and many are willing to pay for this service. Voluntarily of course.
-1 National Unrest
-5% Liberty Desire in Subjects

Goblin See, Goblin DoWith our rule over the goblins consolidated, we can finally look beyond internal squabbles. To the south, we see opportunities for trade — but more notably, have also encountered a sprawling administration that rules most the sub-continent and offers unity despite vast cultural, and even racial, differences. We should do our best to emulate their practices, though where they employ an elite bureaucracy, we must of course apply horde tactics. They've served us before, and will serve us just as well here!
+1 Administrative Free Policies

+15% Manpower Recovery Speed


