Ves Udzenklan

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Ves Udzenklan

Primary Culture

+100% Innovativeness Gain
+1 Possible Policies

Enhanced ExcavationExcavating holds, mineshafts, quarries, and tunnels is a complicated matter, as the Serpentspine is a twisted mess of various layers of rock and mineral. Thankfully, the goblin fondness for explosives comes in handy once again. While using explosives in excavations is dangerous, it can improve our work times if used properly. Just keep open flame away from the fuses…
-5% Construction Time
-10% Development Cost

Blazing the TrailThe Allclan, by its very nature, is a monumental invention that has united goblinkind like never before. This invention shall be one that inspires many more, as we form a state capable of real, unrivaled progress unlike anything the world has seen before. The very bones of the earth will shake with the thunder of our genius and the darkness of the caves will be banished by the brilliance of our minds.
-25% Institution Embracement Cost
+25% Institution Spread

All Goblins HomeOnce, goblins and dwarves fought over the caves and tunnels, with the dwarves in time carving their rails and holds from the earth itself, and destroying any attempt for goblinkind to organize itself likewise. Then, the orcs came, and killed the dwarves and enslaved many of us. Such was so for millennia, but now with the emptying of the Serpentspine of orcs and unfortunately, many of our kin, we have been able to forge a true home for all of goblinkind. Let us ensure that the Allclan remains a home for all of goblinkind forevermore.
-1% Prestige Decay

Passion for ProgressThe wheels of progress turn, but what turns them? The drive of our people to achieve innovation. But sometimes, the wheels stall. Inspiration falters and drive runs flat as limitations are reached. Sometimes, lines need to be crossed for progress to be made. This is unfortunate, and we will have to ensure that cruelties are kept to a necessary minimum. We will not, of course, throw morals out the window in our attempts to make breakthroughs. At least, while anyone is watching…
-10% Technology Cost

All-Clan Land ReformsFrom the most remote cavern to the most industrious hold, land usage is meticulously managed by the government to ensure maximum efficiency. Engineers and town planners, trained in the art of maximizing space both horizontal and vertical, ensure that housing, commerce, and industry are all properly in synchronous harmony. Of course, sometimes areas need to be demolished or changed as new zoning needs come into light, but it is the government's duty to ensure everything works like a well oiled machine. If a few must be kicked to the curb, what of it?
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Allclan College of Artifice and WarArtifice is the beating heart of the Allclan, and in order to ensure its standards are kept up to snuff, there must be institutions dedicated not only to regulating the practice, but also teaching it. Guilds and lone instructor-apprentice relationships cannot be the basis for a formal, industrial economy at the scale that we envision. Hence, the foundation of the Allclan College of Artifice and War, which will allow us to cultivate inventive and most critical of all, loyal minds in service to the State. Better to have the mad inventor feel indebted to the State rather than scorned by it...
-5% Advisor Cost
+10% Artillery Combat Ability

Allclan UnitedThe Allclan has brought all of goblinkind together, whether or not they live in our borders. By creating a unified and modern industrial state, we have created a model for not only goblins but others who seek our knowledge and expertise. The Allclan stands as a shining testament to what a so-called savage or monstrous people can achieve when given the right opportunity. Naturally, we must ensure our own success first and foremost, even if it comes at the expense of the savage and monstrous.
+10% Artificers Loyalty Equilibrium
+5% Land Fire Damage

-15% Stability Cost Modifier


