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Primary Culture

+20% National Sailors Modifier
-10% Light Ship Cost

Mykx's FlightAn ambitious captain in the Viakkoca navy, Mykx often clashed with her supposed leader, so it was no surprise to Viakkoc when she led several ships under her command in mutiny against him. He was prepared for this and quickly moved to have her ships surrounded, but Mykx skillfully maneuvered around the Viakkoca fleets at every opportunity she had and managed to escape with her followers to Aelantir. This humiliation of Viakkoc is proudly remembered and inspires our captains to strive to emulate Mykx's navigational skills.
+1 Naval Leader Manoeuvre

Scourge of AelantirMykxic corsairs have quickly become a dominant force in the Ruined Sea, the nightmare of any who wish to keep their gold and remain unplundered. Aelantir is rich after all, and those riches should rightfully belong to us! That lout Viakkoc claims to be the 'Scourge of All Seas', but those claims mean nothing until he comes here himself. Ask any Aelantiri and all of them will agree: Mykx is the true Scourge of Aelantir!
+10% Morale of Navies
+20% Privateer Efficiency

The Ruined TriangleThe Ruined Triangle is the common name for a triangular region of the Ruined Sea with its corners at the islands of Verten, Great Tussock, and Asraport, infamous for the many disappearances of ships travelling through the region. Many have accused us of being the cause of these disappearances, citing the fact that our islands lie right in the middle of the triangle, or that ships looking suspiciously similar to those that vanished have been seen in our navy. These accusations may be accurate, but no one needs to know about that.
+25% Marines Force Limit
+20% Chance to Capture Enemy Ships

Equal Opportunity SlaversThe Cannorian colonies employ slave labor to work their fields, but their approach to it is much too narrow-minded. They only enslave orcs, and while orcs make fine workers, why limit yourself like that? Gnolls have always had a more 'egalitarian' approach to slavery. Humans, orcs, elves, ruinborn, and anything else we can get our hands on are all fair game to become our slaves, and the increased supply of slaves will allow us to be more productive than our competitors.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Home of OutcastsAs we already operate outside the law ourselves, many outlaws and criminals arrive on our shores fleeing justice from whatever state they wronged. They must already be desperate to come to us, so we should take advantage of that desperation to get them to put their skills to use for us for much cheaper than normal. It's not like they have much choice in the matter, they have nowhere else to go, and if they refuse to work for our prices, we can always force them to work in a different way instead.
-10% Advisor Cost

Rewarded BloodlustGnolls are already fierce fighters, but with a few extra incentives we can draw out even more of that innate bloodlust, and a financial motivation would be perfect to do just that. The best fighters in our raids and wars will be rewarded handsomely with the largest shares of the loot and gold from the victory. If a battle is too chaotic to easily tell, we'll sort it out based on whoever comes back covered in the most enemy blood.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

The Highest Form of TradeAs hallucinogenic substances were banned in societies across Halann, a black market for the substances quickly sprouted up to meet demand. Being a place free from most laws, Mykx quickly became a hub for this black market activity, with hallucinogens from cannabis to opium being traded and even grown here. Most famous of these is a special drug nicknamed Demon's Blood, produced only in Ilzin Mykx with a secret recipe. Perhaps more important than the black market trade, however, is the fact that this makes it easy for us to keep some of the products for ourselves...
-1 National Unrest


