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Primary Culture

+20% Improve Relations
+15% Trade Steering

The Pilfered FleetAs the Akalate of Dasmazar fell to the hordes of Maxota "Gifter of Chains", her cunning and avaricious daughter Khazet led her own forces to swiftly capture the docklands of the capital and seize the Maqeti fleet. This lightning raid ensured that the majority of their newly acquired subjects were prevented from fleeing to the island of Dasmatus with their government in exile, as well as providing the gnolls of what would become Koggraffa with a powerful fleet to transport slaves to the flesh-markets of Rahen without having to rely on human middle men likely to try and take a hefty cut of the profits.
+20% Chance to Capture Enemy Ships

"There is no god but wealth and the only good is profit"When confronted by Jaddari missionaries after the death of Zokka, Khazet famously retorted the above to their usual mantra. Be it the Jaddari, the Kvangahga, the Maqeti Sun Cult or any of the other religions of the Rahen Gulf and beyond, the Koggraffans had no interest in their philosophies. They were however more than happy to allow them to set up temples and preach in their cities in return for a healthy tax contribution.
+1 Tolerance of Heathens
+1 Tolerance of Heretics

Flexible LoyaltiesWhen Zokka first began his campaign of terror across the Far Salahad, Khazet saw the way the winds were blowing and convinced her sister to throw their support behind the likeliest candidate to be the next Xhazobain.\n\nHis untimely death barely caused her to skip a beat, when Rozherg of Haraagtseda marched north with a host of heavily armoured zealots and smashed the armies of the Kogs, the wiley Pack Mistress convinced him to spare them in return for their fealty to Haraagtseda and a tribute of exotic Raheni goods.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Ziggurat SchemesRuling over a population of slaves that hated their gnollish masters with unmatched passion caused some difficulties for the Koggraffans at first, but with a little inspiration from their trade partners in Rahen they were able to solve the issue. By developing a system of tiers for the enslaved Maqeti that placed some above others and gave them power over their fellows, they were able to pit the slaves against each other and draw some of the ire away from the slave masters at the top of the ziggurat.
-1 National Unrest
-10% Harsh Treatment Cost

Coffee Bean AddictsThe rich soils of Dasmazar proved to be ideal for growing coffee beans, a favourite snack of Fieldstalker gnolls who consumed the energising seeds on a daily basis. Due to its popularity among Gnolls, coffee was widely known as The Demon's Bean in Cannor until it's eventual growth in popularity once it began to be brewed into a drink, wherein the enterprising merchants of Koggraffa began exporting their favourite treat in vast quantities to the coffee houses of the west.
+15% Movement Speed

The Pursuit of OpulenceThe wealthy merchant packs that would eventually form the defacto government of Koggraffa were in constant pursuit of ways to outdo each other in their displays of wealth. As the ports of Rahen were a major destination for Koggraffan merchants selling their slaves, this constant contact led to a trend in Koggraffan high society for Raheni luxury goods. Wealthy gnollish merchants would decorate themselves in ostentatious displays of jewelry and clothing from the east, with some even superficially adopting the High Philosophy to appear more fashionable than their rivals.
+1 Merchants

Blockade BreakersThe corsairs of Dasmatus were a constant thorn in the side of the Koggraffan slave trade, creating blockades to trap and capture merchant fleets laden with human cargo. To combat these blockades, Koggraffan commanders began loading up empty transport ships with gunpowder and pitch before setting them alight and steering them at the enemy, ready to blow a hole in the wooden wall.
+1 Naval Leader Shock

-15% Reelection Cost


