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Primary Culture

+10% Galley Combat Ability
+20% Movement Speed On and Off Ships

Crossing the Gulf of OuordLandshark is part of the group of Exodus goblins who chose to flee from the Orcs via the western route. Despite defeating the human armies, their great citadel of Bal Ouord forced us to find an alternate path to flee. Our brethren who would become the Mountainhugger Clan chose the mountains, we chose the sea. Our makeshift fleet, despite many losses, was able to conquer us a home in the South Overmarch. We will never forget the sacrifices of our brethren. Nor the cost of being unprepared.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay
-1% Yearly Naval Tradition Decay

Victims of the OrcsMany of our fellow goblins were not so lucky as we to flee from the Orcs. Their own exodus to these lands after Dookanson's death was a critical part of securing our position. We should be open to more northern refugees to further settle our lands.
-10% Development Cost

Make Trade Not WarHumans make much better neighbors than orcs. They may not like us, but they're willing to overlook such things as racial enmity when it comes to money. The way to secure our future safety is to trade with the humans, not to fight them.
+10% Global Trade Power

Blood in the WaterThey say that sharks can sense even the smallest wound in potential prey from miles away. Our ship's gunners can certainly do the same when it comes to their targets.
-20% Naval Barrage cost
+1 Blockade Impact on Siege

Forging New AlliancesBy seeking acceptance from humans, we have forgone the potential conquest we could have done against them. Some might say that this has made us weaker than we could be. Those who would say such things are fools. True strength is found in cooperation. Our friends and allies will protect us far more than a conquered empire ever could.
+1 Diplomatic Relations

The HradintomuzThe Hradintomuz, the Story of the Fort and the Sea, is an epic poem produced by the legendary goblin poet Zozzok the Noseless. The poem follows two goblin lovers, Motchenboa and Dramkork, as their journey puts them at the side of the most important figures of the goblin exodus and the subsequent crossing of Ouordi gulf. The poem made waves among the Cannorian intellectual community and eventually parts of it were being performed as popular plays, helping positively influence human opinion of goblins and giving the Landshark clan a national epic to be proud of.
+1 Yearly Prestige

The Value of Goblin ContraptionsGoblin goods may have a reputation for being cheap and shoddy, but the inventiveness of Goblin artificers has given them a new reputation. That of overkill. Discerning customers know that only a goblin-made self-kindling stove comes with over fifty different settings, at least five knobs, and plush leather seating.
+15% Trade Efficiency

+0.25 Artillery Fire


