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|idea_group=Greysheep Ideas
|idea_group=Greysheep Ideas
[[Category:Countries with missions]]

Latest revision as of 03:39, 27 April 2024


Primary Culture

+0.1 Yearly Inflation Reduction
+15% Movement Speed

Late ArrivalsThe tribe of Greysheep was the last Exodus goblin tribe to invade Bulwar, arriving at the very end of the Decades of Devastation. By that time the Bulwari and elves had already faced goblins before, and were more cautious and unwilling to fight them. Seeing how feared the goblins were already filled the tribe with pride, with the idea of them being the cause of fear in the region persisting for decades.
+10% Recover Army Morale Speed

Pastoral GoblinsWhile other goblins were busy focusing on conquering rich cities of Bahar, Greysheep instead settled along hills of Bulwar and focused more on herding their sheep and cattle. The tribe had become the least warlike goblin tribe in Bulwar, instead enjoying the time they spent working and developing their new home.
+10% Production Efficiency

Continued ExodusUnlike other goblin tribes who are separated from the Serpentspine by the orc infested holds, Greysheep has a direct access via the caves they initially emerged from. Following the death of Dookanson many more goblins chose to leave the mountains and followed the direction the original exodus went, resulting in Greysheep tribe having a steady supply of new goblins arriving from the caves.
+10% National Manpower Modifier
+5% Manpower Recovery Speed

Frax the TravelerFrax the Traveler was a goblin explorer and adventurer who was inspired by his peoples' exodus to travel further where no goblin has ever been. He set out from Greysheep in 1440 and traveled around much of Bulwar, Salahad desert and even parts of Rahen. Upon coming back home from his years long journey he collected his encounters and experiences into a book which became immensely popular among goblins. The book specifically described various customs and traditions of other races, which the tribe of Greysheep found useful when conducting diplomacy.
+20% Improve Relations

Volt SedovcoThe Big Grey Sheep is a peculiar breed of sheep unique to goblin settled hills. Much larger compared to their Gelkalis counterparts they are bulkier and stronger, even capable of running full speed with a goblin on top. Goblins started using them as cavalry in late 15th century, first surprising and then scaring Bahari humans with the unusual sight of a goblin horde charging on top of grey sheep.
-10% Cavalry Cost
+10% Cavalry Combat Ability

Defensive MindsetUnlike other exodus tribes who prefer attacking their enemies, goblins of Greysheep instead prefer letting their enemies come to them. Their lands are filled with traps, small encampments and weapon caches, allowing goblins to continually attack their enemies as they advance through the hills.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Goblinic FashionUsing wool from their sheep Greysheep goblins created some of the best looking goblinic clothing, at least according to the goblins themselves. Even long after the tribe had lost its sovereignty the goblins of northern Bulwar continued making clothes which became popular even outside of Bulwar. Rich merchants and oligarchs from Bayvek and Mestikardu would constantly demand new collections from them, paying a large sum of money to keep the clothes coming.
+10% Global Trade Power

+1 Leader Siege


