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[[Category:Countries with missions]]

Latest revision as of 03:39, 27 April 2024


Primary Culture

+10% Morale of Armies
+20% Morale of Navies

Rule of the WhipThe Corsair Kings of Viakkoc have a long history of administering vast territories. Prior to their migration across the Salahad, the Packlords of Viakkoc were the foremost chiefdom of the West Sarhaly savanna, dominating the human and gnollish realms of Fangaula alike for decades. Known as dread slavers and merciless marauders, many chose to surrender and accept gnollish oppression rather than fight when Viakkoc's armies approached.\n\nThis experience in domination proved as applicable in newly-conquered Akasik as it was in the south. Viakkoc's harsh methods and shrewd administration would prove valuable for preventing rebellion and ensuring taxes of gold and slaves were paid, in full and on time.
+10% Governing Capacity Modifier

Scourge of All SeasBefore they came north to Akasik, the gnolls of Viakkoc were centered in western Sarhal and were skilled sailors and raiders, dominating every coastal village between the Salahad and the Coastal Rainforests of the Dao Nako.\n\nThese skills translated well to their new holdings in Akasik, where their swift vessels proved a terror for Divenhal merchants. Equally as dominant on the waves in their new home as the old, the lords of Viakkoc began to style themselves as the 'Scourge of All Seas', and postured with great bravado about the invincibility of their navies.
+20% Galley Combat Ability
+1 Naval Leader Shock

Grudge against the SorrowclawWhen Kheterata fell into chaos in the 1430s, Viakkoc IX lept at the opportunity and led his army on a campaign of plunder. Beneath the walls of Kheterat, however, Viakkoc the Great found that Grizaka Empress-Of-Gnollkind, master of Gnollakaz, had also seen the weakness of Kheterata. Longtime rivals, the armies of the two gnollish packs clashed before the walls of Kheterat for two days before Grizaka's superior magics crushed Viakkoc and his army against the shoulder of the Mother's Sorrow.\n\nThe Clash of the Gnolls at Kheterat was an unmitigated disaster for Viakkoc and led to the disintegration of its wider empire. Viakkoc XI, grandson of the dead king, led his people home in the aftermath of the battle and vowed revenge on Grizaka and all her followers. Hatred for the Sorrowclaw Gnolls became official policy, with heralds decrying the Empress of Gnollakaz and vowing their revenge for their fallen each morning.
+100% Power Projection From Insults

Boarding Crews of the Dog CorsairsWhile the Seascourge Gnolls were incomparable sailors, rapid advancements in Cannorian naval technology in the 16th century led to major losses for the Corsair Fleet. To remedy this, the Gnollish admirals began to conduct raids with the primary purpose of capturing cannorian warships to reverse engineer their designs. The corsairs would quickly surround Cannorian fleets and board them with reckless abandon, fanatical gnolls throwing themselves upon terrified sailors and seizing the ships. These tactics proved so effective that they became standard for the Seascourge Gnolls even after their ship quality rose to match the Cannorians.
+25% Marines Force Limit
+20% Chance to Capture Enemy Ships

Barter in Blood and SoulsThough they were terrific raiders and feared slavers, Viakkoc had few markets with which to trade their slaves and goods. With aboltionist Cannorians to the North, hostile Gnollakaz to the East, and rebellious former vassals to the South, the kingdom was diplomatically and economically isolated through, with only occasional dealings with Nathalairey slavers or Drolakandi pirates. Without easy trading partners, Viakkoc's merchants turned to a far more dangerous market - Demons.\nOffering the Corsairs of Viakkoc diabolical knowledge and powerful soldiers in exchange for slaves and souls, the wealth and power of the Seascourge Gnolls grew as they bartered with demonic entities for ever greater power.
+15% Trade Efficiency

Planetouched Slave TradeAmong the peoples of Sarhal, some few are blessed with power over the classical elements of fire, water, earth, and air. Believed by the Akasi to be chosen by the Earth Mother, these planetouched appear seemingly randomly within the population, and their natural abilities make them prized as warriors, court mages - or, after Viakkoc conquered the Mountains of Akasik, as slaves to be sold to the highest bidder.\n\nFetching high prices in Cannorian black markets, Viakkoc became the foremost provider of planetouched slaves for immoral mages, artificers, and nobles. Though the practice was limited due to the difficulty of finding and capturing planetouched, it was immensely profitable, and Viakkoc's unique position at the intersection of Sarhal and Cannor gave them a near monopoly on the trade.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

To Despoil the Dove ThroneThe ambition of Viakkoc was well known, and though they lost their once sprawling trans-Salahadesi empire in the early 1440s, they always grasped for ever greater riches and powers. For many years, Viakkoc considered the Dove Throne of Anbennar to be the ultimate prize. They dreamed of a Gnollish Kingdom at the heart of Dameria, a Gnollish Emperor on the Dove throne directing a terrible empire, one that would spread the Xhazobkult across the Divenhal and Dameshead. Though they would never achieve this goal, the Corsair Fleet made four great raids on Damesear between 1543 and 1631 in an attempt to gain a beachhead for this new Empire of Viakkoc, burning the forests of Varivar and seizing many treasures from the temples of the Moonmount in the process. The final raid of 1631 would prove disastrous for the Corsair Kingdom, with Viakkoca XII being slain by cannonfire before she even made landfall. Having no direct heir, the kingdom soon disintegrated into patchwork territories controlled by petty warlords vying for dominance, allowing Cannorian powers to seize much of the coastline.
-15% Province War Score Cost

+10% Ship Durability


