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The Overclan

Primary Culture

-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay
+5% Discipline

Extended Language ClassesBahar is a land of many languages - Common, Bulwari, Elven, Dwarven and now Goblinic as well. When goblins first invaded this region during the Exodus they made no attempts to learn any of these foreign languages. As they began transitioning from roaming hordes to proper states and interacting with the locals more frequently the problems of communication became clear as day. Initially, Overclan's government proposed the creation of a new language by combining all those present in Bahar, but it was deemed an unnecessary waste of time and effort.\n\nThe actual solution was the employment of non-goblins who taught goblin administrators, diplomats and rulers in those local languages, while encouraging all others to follow suite. Having a polylingual administration was a sure way of securing both Bahari population's support and making diplomacy easier.
+15% Improve Relations
+1 Max Promoted Cultures

Third Goblin FrontierOne of the major achievements of Exodus Goblins was the creation of the first goblin navy. Clan of Landshark built makeshift boats following a failed siege of Ourdia, and soon their sibling clan of Mountainhugger followed suit, eventually sharing the knowledge with other clans as well. Before the unification of Bahar however, goblin navies were the weakest in the Divenhal, having been sunk by human, elven and dwarven navies on numerous occasions. Once the Overclan formed and integrated other races' designs into their own, the goblin fleet became a common sight in the Divenhal.\n\nDuring the early 1600s, a goblin writer Zyt the Short wrote a history of the goblinkind, in which he claims that goblins have previously conquered two frontiers - the caves of the Serpentspine and the forests of Escann - and that now Exodus Goblins have begun the conquest of the ocean, also known as the Third Frontier. Unsurprisingly, this thought became popular in the Overclan, partially as a reaction to recent successes of Bayvek and Mestikardu, two other seafaring goblin nations. To this day Exodus Goblins commonly believe themselves to be the pioneers of goblinkind, having been guided by Zvaiko Udenzo, goblin god of water himself.
+10% Heavy Ship Combat Ability

Orphan BureaucratsIn the beginning of goblin attempts to work together with the local Bahari population there was an issue of workforce. Very few were willing to work for these former invaders, especially in the bureaucracy, as that meant having a near constant contact with goblins. An intriguing solution was proposed by Overboss Dramkork in 1529 - raising orphans as bureaucrats. Many locals have lost their families during the Decades of Devastation, Goblin Exodus and during the Samartal investigations and were left with nothing, fighting for scraps on the streets. Overclan provided those children with shelter and food, in hopes the children would work for them.\n\nThe program was a success, with the Overclan raising a proper bureaucratic force within just a decade, which was fully utilised in the subsequent Bahari-wide programs.\n\nA large portion of said orphans was made of Voltoj - half-goblins, who were not always orphans, but castaways from their families. While some human orphans held hatred for goblins, blaming them for their condition, Voltoj unanimously embraced the Overclan and each other as their new family.
-15% Advisor Cost
+1 Possible Advisors
+25% Female Advisor Chance

Ancient Knowledge, Novel IdeasWhen the clan of Marblehead took over the most magnificent city of Aqatbar they gained much knowledge from its guilds and libraries, especially the Great Library of Aqatbar. The knowledge found there however did not satisfy the ever-curious goblins scholars, who have declared they must uncover all secrets and mysteries of Bulwar.\n\nAs part of this goal, goblin scholars convinced local Bulwari to help them find and excavate ancient genie sites, commonly believed to hold many magical relics. While initially the Bahari were opposed to what they saw as mere looting, the humans eventually accepted, after convincing the goblins to avoid using any explosives. Combined together, ancient Bulwari knowledge and new ideas of goblin scholars and artificers have significantly improved the rate of scientific progress in Bahar.
-10% Technology Cost

Decades of RestorationReorganisation of Bahar was a long process which saw the Overclan fully overhaul the administration of Bahar, in a way that granted non-goblins political power while goblins fully in charge. In order to do that however goblins needed to atone for the damage caused by their Exodus. That was done with a 37 year long process known as the Decades of Restoration.\n\nWhile primarily Decades of Restoration focused on restoring razed buildings, rejuvenating old farms and resettling abandoned villages, its primary function was to convince other races of Bahar to accept goblin rule. The first few goals were achieved relatively easily, but the racial integration saw heavy resistance. The solution came in a form of Voltoj.\n\nFollowing the creation of a new bureaucracy made out of orphans, half-goblins became an integral part of the Overclan administration and actively participated in the Decades of Restoration. Local Bahari preferred working with more humane looking Voltoj than goblins. Seeing this, the Overclan decided to nearly entirely transfer the integration part of the program to the half-goblins. As expected, half-goblins made considerably better effort in securing good relations with other races, further increasing their standing within the Overclan as they were seen as a thematic representation of Overclan's racial syncretism.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
-10% Stability Cost Modifier

The False SunUpon the Gommo's arrival to Aqatbar, flocks of artificers from Cannor came to its lands to learn about the goblins' inventions and help perfect them. As expected, the inventions that intrigued them the most were Sunplasm and Goblinfire. They meticulously studied these odd weapons, and to the horror of the rest of Bulwar, actually improved them. They combined the flamethrower with Goblinfire and created a terrifyingly powerful spewer of death that shoots Sunplasm by adding magical wards to the nozzle, pipe, and Flame Sapper armor so that it could withstand the heat of a constant stream of sunplasm. They were named False-Suns, after the incredibly destructive power that the weapon released.
+0.25 Artillery Fire
+10% Siege Ability

Ravelian InfluenceBahar and Businor have always been closely connected to each other due to geographical proximity, cultural ties between Busilari and Crathánori humans and general trade routes. Soon after Ravelianism spread throughout Busilar it made its way to Bahar as well. While the goblins of Bahar have been performing some basic artificery for years, other races of Bahar were much more reluctant to accept this new way of magic.\n\nTraditionally, the Overclan held a policy of religious indifference, but the appearance of Ravelianism was seen as a way to unify all people of Bahar under a single faith. The religion and conversion to it were heavily promoted by the government. Yet Ravelianism only became popular with goblins, with nearly all remaining shamanists having chosen to convert and adopt Ravelian teachings and encouraging Cannorian artificers to move to Bahar. Overclan has since seen greater ties with Cannor and an overall increased spread of artificery in Bahar as a whole.
+10% Allowed Rajput Fraction
-10% Idea Cost


