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Latest revision as of 03:34, 27 April 2024

Poisoned Rock

Primary Culture

+15% National Manpower Modifier
+15% Land Force Limit Modifier

Cannons in the UndergrowthWhat felled the Aul-Dwarov of old in the west was not what felled it in the east. Instead of orcs, there have been goblin warbands, and even periodically armies have formed in the Tree of Stone, causing many dwarven holds to fall or flee in the Eastern Serpentspine, bar one. Ovdal Kanzad is the lone remaining dwarven hold in the Tree of Stone. Approach by conventional means is suicide, as the dwarves possess strong fortifications, bolstered by their cannons and firearms.\n\n But goblinkind is far from conventional, with a knack for creative solutions that elude the dwarven mind. All it takes is a single opportunity, a single idea, and the cannons in the undergrowth will go silent forevermore…
-5% Fire Damage Received
+5% Reinforce Speed

History of the UndergrowthThe caverns we inhabit are steeped in ancient history and the relics of dwarf and goblin alike. The fallen wonders of the dwarves, the ruins of ancient clans, and the ancient structures of the sunny land of Rahen beckon the inquisitive among us from our caverns and caves. By excavating the ruins of the past, we may delve deeper into the history of our people, uncovering lost secrets and forgotten relics that may aid us today. Perhaps one day, we may even discover the true origin of our people.
+15% Reform Progress Growth

Bounty of the UndergrowthThe caverns of the Tree of Stone are bountiful for the Serpentspine, but they are still caverns, and home to dangers that exist in the darkness. By settling members of the clan in smaller, fortified settlements throughout the caverns the clan as a whole may prosper, by increasing the visibility of threats, expanding the clan's ability to harvest resources effectively, and reducing strain on the clan as a whole.
+15 Global Settler Increase
+5% National Tax Modifier

Blood from StonesHarvesting the venom of giant spiders isn't hard. What it is, however, is expensive; the damned beasts eat as much as several goblins combined. What's worse, is it's all the same. All of our enemies have dealt with it plenty in the past, and the cure isn't exactly a secret. In the tree of stone, however, there's many kinds of strange rocks that can kill in very interesting ways when heated, pulverized, and dissolved in water. While it may not have quite the same potency as spider venom, it is more than made up for by the low cost and relative obscurity.
+1 Attrition for Enemies
-10% Land Attrition

Freedom of the UndergrowthWe of the Undergrowth have resisted for millennia the dwarves who would take our lives, and when their warbands came pouring from the west, the orcs who would take our freedom. Now, refugees arrive at our gates fleeing who would also kill us or take us as slaves. The hobgoblins of the Command and their goblin slaves, organized into states in a crude mockery of the clan structure. Though they are still a ways away, far in the Jade Mines, we must be ready for when our border and theirs meet. We must free our kin and break the Command, there is no other option.
+10% Fort Defence
+10% Recover Army Morale Speed

Goblins of the UndergrowthThe Tree of Stone, and specifically the caves within it, are a unique environment even compared to the rest of the Dwarovar, and this is reflected in its inhabitants, the goblins that call said caves home. Lush and verdant by Dwarovar standards with large fungal forests, caverns filled with rolling fields of Serpentbloom, and winding cavernous ecosystems that would otherwise seem impossible, the goblins of the Tree of Stone's "undergrowth" are of a common heritage and kindred.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

BoomrocksThere are many interesting things that can happen when smashing and mixing rocks. One that we did not expect, however, was explosions. Though we lost several mixing workshops trying to replicate this, we are now able to create very reliable explosives from fairly common rocks.
+0.15 Infantry Fire

-10% Development Cost


