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[[Category:Countries with missions]]

Latest revision as of 03:34, 27 April 2024

Greedy Grin

Primary Culture

+0.1 Yearly Inflation Reduction
-50% War Taxes Cost

Get that MoneyThe goblins of Clan Greedy Grin have a strange fascination with money, beyond that of even other goblins. The home of a member of the clan will feature many coins hung or displayed as charms and effigies believed to bring luck and fortune. This focus on money means that many members of the clan are easily able to judge the wealth of any goblin, orc or dwarf, making Greedy Grin tax collectors frighteningly effective.
+15% National Tax Modifier

Greedy EyesThere is no one better at spotting out the vulnerabilities in a structure than a goblin infiltrator, something that the enemies of Clan Greedy Grin know far too well. During the siege of an enemy fortress, the Clan sends many goblins swarm around looking for places to infiltrate the fortress. All too often, these enterprising infiltrators also discover not just the besieged locations' vulnerabilities, but also where much loot and wealth is hidden.
+25% Looting Speed
+10% Siege Ability

Music of the ShopGoblins are a competitive lot by nature, and goblin shopkeepers even more so. Their business is often half minding their own shop, and half fending off saboteurs whilst also sabotaging the competition. However, recently things have changed. What started as a small, catchy tune by a single goblin shopkeeper to drive out his competitor's business has expanded into a complex industry of performers, poets, and singers for hire. This music of the shop is rapidly changing local economies, and upsetting the long standing and venerable tavern industry.
+10% Production Efficiency

Cutting CornersFor a goblin of Clan Greedy Grin, there is nothing worse than spending money where it is not needed. Seeing coins carried from the vault that they know is not necessary to spend is a tough moment. To that end, the average business goblin has perfected a million and one different ways to save money and keep extravagant expenses to a minimum.
-10% Construction Cost

Crimson PriceWealth is power, and power attracts those who would wish to take it from its wielder. For Clan Greedy Grin, this is no exception. When times of war come, Clan Greedy Grin must defend itself. Alas, standing armies are expensive, and no self respecting goblin would simply pay someone to sit around all day getting drunk during peacetime. While perhaps more prone to casualties, a system of levies to quickly raise an army is the preferred system of Clan Greedy Grin. After all, there will always be more goblins…
-25% Recruitment Time
-10% Land Maintenance Modifier

Serpentbloom CartelsIt is a well-known fact that goblins love Serpentbloom. It should therefore come to no surprise that one of the most profitable enterprises in the Dwarovar is the trade in Serpentbloom. So, it should come as no surprise that the goblins of Clan Greedy Grin have made themselves a major part of that trade.\n\nRanging far and wide, the finest cultivars are acquired in one manner or another by various state-backed cartels. Much of whatever is cultivated is then processed by said cartels into various beverages, flours, or preserves to be sold to the goblins of the Clan, or foreigners seeking the exquisite taste of goblin cuisine.
+10% Trade Efficiency

The Middle GoblinThe wealth of the Serpentspine is plentiful and easily extracted, but why spend effort that we ourselves do not need to? Let others extract the value of the Serpentspine, and take it for ourselves, either by coin or conquest. Then, we can sell it on for an extravagant markup. By ensuring we are the only buyer in the Serpentspine, we can ensure we are the only seller of its wealth beyond it.
+20% Caravan Power

+15% Movement Speed


