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Primary Culture

+20% Fort Defence
+10% Morale of Armies

Welcome to the JungleThe Zyuhungjip Jungle has long been a graveyard of empires. Not even the great conquerors Harimar and Jaher could fully tame her canopies, much less her people. Any that wish to conquer our kingdom must first contend with the hostile environment, a fiercer enemy than any mortal being could ever be.
+2 Attrition for Enemies

Moshugong BladesOur people are renowned for our blades, enchanted with zealously guarded magics and crafted by master blacksmiths. They are said to be capable of cleaving through entire boulders without bending or dulling.
+0.1 Infantry Shock

Tea ForestTea has been an important part of Zyujyut culture since we were feuding jungle tribes, sharing drinks with each other as shows of goodwill. Our countryside is dotted with great tea gardens, nurtured for centuries and supplying harvests the likes of which are unheard of in the rest of Yanshen.
+10% Global Trade Power
+5% Production Efficiency

FaatengGently floating down the rivers of the Zyuhungjip are the floating brothels known as Faateng, or Flower Boats. Whether passing through a bustling city or an isolated village, they are welcome sights for many of our people, eager to enjoy the amenities the Faateng offers.
-2 National Unrest

Cunglam ArtThe arts and music of our people have always been seen as strange by our neighbors, with foreign Yan artists declaring our works as 'lewd' and barbaric. Still, their exotic nature has drawn many admirers of the Cunglam arts, especially amongst the sailors and merchants from the far western land of Cannor.
-1% Prestige Decay

Samanjan CustomsOur unique history, separate from the rest of Yanshen, has given rise to many traditions unique to Zyujyut. With our distinct dialect, intricate full body tattoos, lacquered teeth, and eccentric dress, it is very easy to tell when one does not fit in.
+20% Foreign Spy Detection

The Vermillion ThroneWhile the rest of Yanshen toils under the devious eunuchs, put in place by conquerors and securing their positions with schemes and daggers, Zyujyut has always been ruled by a righteous and powerful dynasty, blessed by the ancestors to take their place upon the Vermillion Throne and lead our kingdom to greatness.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+10 Maximum Absolutism
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

-10% Regiment Costs


