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Primary Culture

+1 Naval Combat Bonus off owned coast
+1 Administrative Possible Policies

Zurzumex's LegacyA leader with vision almost as deep as his knowledge of artificery, Zurzumex spent his days perfecting his art, and applying his theories to the world around him, creating a melding of cultures part magical, part mechanical, but truly kobold in nature.\n\nEventually he and his followers departed to Aelantir, tired of the old ways and troubles of the Dragon Coast and Cannor in general. There he founded a city named after himself, where kobolds could perfect their newfound art without impunity.
-5% Idea Cost
+25% Innovativeness Gain

Ours, Stay OursKobold society as a whole was very communal due to the cramped nature of the tunnels of the Dragonheights. Kobolds learned to share and sacrifice for the betterment of the tribe, but as more and more kobolds were exposed to life on the surface, especially in the cities, that eventually started to change. For the Zurzumexians that was the case, as Haraf was a virgin land with lots of room to grow, and its people soon to embrace the concept of private property.\n\nNo longer did they work in fear that it might be confiscated to appease a non-existent dragon or their tunnels crumbled due to the overzealous nature of their neighbours - now a kobold could have their own piece of the world and keep it.
-1 National Unrest

Construction RacesIn the mountains all the kobold structures kobolds could build had to be carved or made of crude dirt or whatever scraps they could scavenge from outside. In the Haraf, however, there was a great abundance of resources: wood, rock, metals, clay, leaves, all sorts!\n\nFor many of the Zurzumexians this sparked a great curiosity and great drive to build for the sake of building (which can relate to their methods in artificery, perhaps), and it is said that Zurzumexia's growth as a city was not through an city directive but due to everyday kobolds wanting to build what their hearts desires, and often as fast as they could. For the city, building well and building fast and as creatively as you can was a thing of great prestige.
-10% Construction Time
+0.5 Yearly Prestige

Pirate DenZurzumexia didn't invite the pirates, but then again, they never discouraged them. Pushed from the waters of the Ruined Seas by stiffer competition and anti pirate raids, several pirate factions settled into port in the Kobold docks as permanent homes.\n\nWith retaliation from angry Cannorians an unlikely event for such relatively minor annoyances, the Zurzumexian port authorities tacitly encouraged the pirates on the raids around Haraf, and the pirates just as happily spent their treasures in Kobold markets, and many of them took a fancy to the kobolds as well.
+20% Chance to Capture Enemy Ships
+20% Privateer Efficiency

Ruinborn CooperationOur gnomish and goblin neighbours have never had a history of sharing. For the gnomes, it was clear that they had no intention during the conquest of the Dragon Coast, and they saw our kind as a nuisance at worse and a second-class citizen as best. For the goblins, they had always been a selfish lot. In their dark undergrowth of the Serpentspine they crawled over each other and killed each other for scraps, living truly to a "every goblin for themselves" mentality.\n\nUs kobolds, however, had to survive, but we did that together. We lived closely with our people and learned to share in our resources and tribulations, so it was no surprise that when we came to Haraf that the gnomes and goblins went their usual way in their treatment of the ruinborn - seeing them as lessers or a thing to get rid of. But we welcomed them with open arms, and in time they proved themselves as great members of our society, and many, like the famous warriors of the Kalun Masks, served in our armies with pride.
-10% Mercenary Cost
+10% Mercenary Discipline

Artificer TrapsKobolds have a long tradition of using traps to defend their homes from invaders. Simpler traps like snares, false floors, cages, or rock falls. But the things we make now are not simple in any way.\n\nWith the incorporation of artificery, these traps can become much more deadly. Rocks replaced with shrapnel bombs, tripwires replaced with laser sensors, and pressure plates made into land mines. As Gommoport and Mestikardu spread with impunity, claiming large swathes of Haraf for themselves, both understood well enough that for the benefit of their soldiers and explorers that they should steer well clear from Zurzumexian lands.
+5% Fort Defence
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Kobold ArtificeryKobolds learned the art of artifice when the gnomes returned to the Dragon Coast, often on the wrong end. But where gnomes put clear limits on what is and not acceptable in the pursuit of knowledge, kobolds had no such compunction, seeing the limits of nature and morals as simple impediments to the true breadth of what artifice is capable of - which for kobolds, was to become like their draconic ancestors.\n\nWhile most artificers held mundane objects as the canvas, kobolds used canvas of the flesh, and became masters of flesh-crafting, which was to them a quasi-mystic science of melding scale and metal into terrifying new creations. A great achievement enabled by this technology Zurzumexia's "Scion District", filled to the brim with structures sitting high above the rest of the city without any walkways, as the inhabitants of these high sections fly between buildings like the dragon scions of old.
+15% Shock Damage

-10% Advisor Cost


