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Primary Culture

+1 Naval Combat Bonus off owned coast
+10% Trade Efficiency

Gate to the WorldSince its founding, Zurkanrek has been the sole point of peaceful contact with the world outside of the lakes. Our ships sail far beyond the horizon to a strange land of eunuchs and monks to trade with, bringing fabulous exotics and news back to our homes.
+15% Ship Trade Power

Armada of the EastZurkanrek lives and dies by the capabilities of its navy. Every citizen must serve a tour in the merchant marine to ensure our people don't forget the reason our city rose to prominence.
+10% National Sailors Modifier
+10% Sailor Recovery Speed

Silken SeaFirst introduced to the city by merchants returning from the east, Zurkanreki silk is famed both for its beauty and abundance, even the poor of the city have felt the smooth embrace of silk at least once in their lives.
-1 National Unrest

Greatest of the Ashen CitiesOf the many cities founded during the Ashen Migration, only 4 are truly important; Orilgbulrek, Negechimudh, Yarumudh, and of course Zurkanrek. Of these, only Zurkanrek stands as a truly dominant power in the lakes. As such, our diplomats command a certain degree of respect within the Federation.
+20% Improve Relations

Reclaiming our HomesWith colonization of the mainland well under way, our people are eager to reclaim the lands we lost when the skies filled with ash and the land went fallow.
+20 Global Settler Increase

The Rising SunThe Rising Sun of Zurkanrek is known from Anbenncóst to Tianlou. Our merchants are proud to be flying under the banner, knowing that they are protected and respected even worlds away from home.
+5% Morale of Navies
+10% Ship Tradepower Propagation

Abosrekodh Naval AcademyThe Grand Academy of Abosrekodh just south of Zurkanrek is famed within the Federation and far beyond as the premier naval academy. Graduates are known as some of the best admirals a truly modern fleet can ask for, skilled on the battlefield and filled with pride for our grand city.
-10% Admiral Cost
+1 Naval Leader Fire

+10% Production Efficiency


