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Primary Culture

+1 Diplomats
+1 Attrition for Enemies

The Architect Of ZulburThe ruling dynasty of Zulbur can trace its origins back to the legendary actions of their ancestor and founder, Ruan. The story goes that Ruan, an exiled architect from Shalassar, came across a band of mad Ashhana who were cursed by the strange magics of the swamps to the north. While he was held prisoner and about to be eaten, he decided to sculpt one final carving out of stone: the head of a great warrior. When the Ashhana came to him, however, they looked upon the head and the Blood-Madness was temporarily banished from their minds, and they promptly named Ruan their leader.\n\nRuan founded the city with the band of Ashhana. He finished the statue of the warrior and placed it at its center, setting the tradition whereupon each successor would craft a statue to place beside it. By 1600, dozens of statues lay within the city center, showcasing the true beauty of the city as well as its history of stone-carving.
+1 Yearly Prestige

ThushnekThe Ashhana are not only well versed in the arts of peace but also in warfare and fighting. The Thushnek (or 'Rocksfall') is a fighting technique whereby the Ashhana lure in their opponent into a false sense of security by moving clumsily before striking as quick as a rock slide. This technique often confuses and scares those who are unaware of how strong and fast the Ashhana are, as many are deceived by the Thushnek.
+10% Shock Damage

Flowers Amidst The ThornsWhile many think of the Ashhana as nothing more than monstrous brutes, they have shown to possess a passion for the arts. Songs linger in the streets of every Ashhana settlement while stone carvers attempt to outdo their peers in their shops. Smiths forge great tools and weapons while, just around the corner, artists depict their interests in a wide splashes of color at the town’s plaza. Even the hunters and the farmers find time to practice their own arts or to admire others’. From the lowest to the highest, each and every Ashhana practices some form of art and strives to improve their craft, seeking respite from the monster that lingers within.
+15% Reform Progress Growth

Gakha-dakGakha-dak, colloquially known as "Stone Castle," is a palace that truly highlights the stonecarving capabilities of the Zulbur. While not particularly formidable compared to its peers, it makes up for it with its resplendent nature. The curves of its arches accentuate the fountains and statues that linger within, each a masterpiece in its own right with their flawless likenesses to heroes from the past. The central landmark of Gakha-dak are the Whistling Stones, a series of uniquely shaped stone statues with holes in them that, when the wind blows at just the right angle, plays a grand tune. The work done on the castle allowed the Ashhana of Zulbur to refine their stone-working to perfection.
-10% Construction Cost

Claw-marksClaw-marks were first put into place by the Raktaya Arak in response to all the legal disputes that came from ´song-theft´ whereby bards unjustly claimed that they were the ones to create a song. Claw-marks work by submitting a paper with the lyrics and musical notations alongside the creator´s signature and claw-mark to the Records-Hall, where all the records of such songs are stored. Thus, no lizardfolk bard can claim ownership to a song over which they have no right without fear of justice being brought upon them.
-25% State Maintenance

KhagaarsaForged in the fires of creation in the 1500s, the Khagaarsa, or Shadow Spear, was crafted by the great craftsman and enchanter Idax the Formidable as a commission by the ruling dynasty of Zulbur. The unbreakable spear would pierce through even the toughest of scales, sending out waves of panic and fear throughout the enemy ranks as they saw their slain brethren writhing in agony. Their screams would last for hours even after their deaths as the Raktaya, enveloped in shadow, marched over their bodies. Even the rival Raktayas of other lands learned to avoid the Khagaarsa in battle, as one scream of the torment it caused was enough warning for them to flee rather than fight.
+1 Land Leader Shock

Soshasru The IriktraskBy the time Soshasru the Iriktrask (Song-tongue) retired from the throne in 1674 AD, he had enraptured many with his just ruling and his expert planning of cities and fortresses, which he owed to his work as a stone carver earlier in his life. Yet it was his charisma and diplomatic skill that truly cemented his place in history, as he was able to convince many a tribe to join his nation, setting the course for the eventual unification of the Ashhana.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

-10% Advisor Cost


