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Primary Culture

-10% Construction Cost
+10% Domestic Trade Power

The Open Door PolicyThe War for Zena saw many refugees flee to our capital. Farmers and herders, who once lived in peace in our lands, fled their traditional livelihoods to escape the brutality of the Kuiikan warriors. Halflings, who had made their homes outside the old Ananoma in Chibuswa to understand their old homelands, escaped the wrath of the invading forces of Zuvavim. All have been accepted in our great capital. Bivuzena finds itself with more hands at the wall than ever before.
+20% Garrison Size

Zena TunnelsWhile Kheteratan rule threatened Vurebindu culture, Nozipo Gappah took the opportunity to establish a widespread merchant network along Khet trade routes. While this was primarily used to locate and acquire exotic goods from North Sarhal, this has also led to a lengthy paper-trail which connects those merchants and their enterprises to Zena. Through utilizing a system meant to transfer rare goods discreetly into the capitol we are able to ensure this surplus of goods reaches our markets safely.
+20% Trade Steering

Here Be ElephantsAt first, we thought the advances of Kuiika and Zuvavim stopped because they both wanted our great capital city to themselves. However our spies have uncovered the true reason why their advances stopped: Iqhekabi. While we don’t know the specifics, we do know they did not want Bivuzena to fall into either of our neighbour’s hands. Perhaps they will be willing to take a more active role if war comes again to our borders.
-10% Mercenary Cost
+5% Mercenary Discipline

Beaten To PulpPaper. After all of our lands were lost there was one product we had that we could still utilize. The value of paper does not lie in its value, but in the ideas they carry. In our time of hardship we have developed new paper mills to facilitate our last major trade good, as well as send out treatises in order to acquire help.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Vyzemby SkylinesTo meet the demand of our bolstered population, housing districts have been prioritized by the city to accommodate our new citizens. Through gathering our notes on the Vyzemby relics our architects have started revamping Bivuzena’s layout, making use of our limited space. The latest prototype of "stacking" the houses has been met with little success, however.
-10% Development Cost

Nyanza MarketBefore the migrants, there were peddlers. Central to Zenan economy is the Nyanza Market. Originally consisting of sprawling merchant vessels alongside colorful market stalls covered with tanned leather and cloth, this has been pushed into the city after the recent conflict. This highly-regulated market has, thus far, withstood the increased population, albeit increasing pressure on security.
+1 Merchants

Mendaka's Exceptional TreasuresAs the hunt for unique and exotic goods have spread, so too has the reputation of our collection. We have travelers come across Sarhal to see the extent of our collection, aiding in both revenue and prestige. Our Mendaka has reined in these competitive museums into one central repository containing our rarest finds, the Mendaka’s Exceptional Treasures. Each donation into the museum is met with a pouch of gold and their name engraved in the entryway, an ever-growing number as Zena’s influence expands.
+1 Yearly Prestige


