Zatsuti Ideas

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-10% Idea Cost
+10% Morale of Armies

Nameless FortressThe rising power of Zatsuti distinguished itself from its peers from the lack of a past, only being known as a graveyard of many historical battles of the lizardfolk. But it is this lack of a binding to a legacy is what allows them to grasp the future in their claws. First, they forged a reputation as efficient killers who lead their enemies deep into their jungles before ambushing them just like so many who came here before had been.
+5% Fort Defence
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Hardened By AshhanaWe have, like our kin, belittled the Ashhanas as nothing more than mindless brutes who lack strategy in battle when compared to our military. We were proved devastatingly wrong in our conquest of Ishyaga. This direct confrontation has shown us that they too can formulate plans to great cunning. WIth this experience, our military has learned from its mistakes and has been bolstered by the years of experience against the crocodiles.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Birth Of A New Great CityZatsuti’s lack of a historical identity has shown some benefits, as many venturing lizardfolk have come to the growing city of Nazhn. It seems they see it as an opportunity to create a new community without needing to conform to the standards of their culture. Its rising status on the regional stage has also greatly assisted this string of immigration, as many would rather live in a city of a growing empire than a war-torn one.
-10% Construction Cost

Starlance AmbitionsWhen the Ashhana appeared, they left a trail of destruction, leaving nothing but the rubble of buildings and carnage, for no purpose but to follow their demonic instincts. Zatsuti would have suffered the same fate if not for the great general Teranak, who not only inspired prowess into his men but also slew thousands with his magical, shining lance. It is this thanks to his deed that the great line of the Starlance dynasty was born, forming a great line of warriors that rule the country to this day.
-10% Core-Creation Cost

Shell CannoniersWith no notable military history tradition to follow, the generals of Zatsuti were far more receptive to new military strategies and weapons of war. When cannons were introduced by Cannorian explorers, it was Zatsuti who first adopted and mastered the use of this new weapon. By assigning lizardfolk mutants with eyes that can focus on the enemy a kilometer away and protecting them with infantry. This means Zatsuti’s cannoneers are a force to be reckoned with that took other lizardfolk militaries by surprise with its firepower.
+10% Artillery Combat Ability

NydyrraWhen Cannorians first arrived in Zatsuti, the current king at the time, Etocard Starlance, was an aspiring scholar who spent most of his time being fascinated by the discoveries of Cannor. Wanting to expand his legacy and the country’s knowledge, he built the Nydyrra; the House of Knowledge, the first Cannorian-style university of lizardfolk.
-5% Technology Cost

Beacon of ArtificeryThe Craftsmen of Nazhn are equipped with many insights of Cannor, most notably their integration of artificery into their crafts and making many new inventions of their own never before seen anywhere else. This would eventually lead to the city becoming a center of lizardfolk artifice and start the spread of artificery within the race.
+10% Production Efficiency

-10% Development Cost