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Primary Culture

+0.05 Monthly Heir Claim Increase
-10% Morale Damage Received

The Bloodscale MemoriesDaukazosk Bloodscale led us to new heights by reforming our forces to include dedicated remembrancers, who would commit to oral and written record the memory of the land. So equipped, the Zatalas always found ways to exploit this knowledge. This was one of the first ever written records kept by the Ashhana and we venerate it as a point of pride for ourselves as a result.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay

Eyes of TrazoskTrazosk Bloodscale was the legendary founder of the Zatalas tribe who was said to have been the first of the people born with a third eye, to be Zatalas. It is said that he came down from where land, sea and stars met, gathered people around and showed them how to unlock the light within.\n\nSince then we have been set apart by our people being born with an extra eye, the Eyes of Trazosk, which he granted to all his followers and descendants. This eye grants us a preternatural extra sense, as the third eye will twitch and blink when it seems to notice something the other two don’t, putting the individual on alert. We associate this with greater mystic erudition among our best, as that already valuable sense is even more useful when magical forces are wrought.
+1 Land Leader(s) without Upkeep

The Shyanty ZatalasEvery year, the capital sees an ever-expanding performance of all that Zatal has been through; it is a performance that changes every year as new troupe leaders bring their own takes and the present changes the past’s perception. It is our singular anthem, the Shyanty Zatalas and sits at the core of our artistic lifeblood.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Song StrugglesAnnet Songheart invented the song-struggle when, despite being physically weaker, she challenged her superior and shouted him down with the bardic arts. Embraced across Zatal in Annet’s wake, this vocal form of confrontation enables those who would otherwise be overruled and have their ideas overlooked to flourish in our land. For as the Zatalas people embrace the throat muscle alongside all others, we find that those who were looked down upon form the core of burgeoning Zatalas identity, wherever our borders lie.
-25% Culture Conversion Time

The Branches of the TialzasThe Tialzas trees form the core of Zatal, for it is around the first-discovered by Trazosk that our nation started, and it is by planting them wherever we go that our borders are marked. The Tialzas with its reflective bark, towering height and the distinctive metallic-smelling sap serves that demarcation purpose well.\n\nThe trees provide us all that we need with their branches: our buildings, our weapons and instruments, for Tialzas wood is supple and yet near indestructible when wrought properly. When war comes to our land upon the Ashhana borders, it is for their protection that we fight.
+20% Manpower in Primary Culture provinces

The Natural ServantsJacil Suncast brought about reforms when they took control of the Zatalas realm, guiding those who would have once become independent shamans or druids into the Natural Servants, the foundation of Zatal’s civil service. Their primary role was in shaping construction and planning, working with the land with their skills and magicks to allow construction to operate in synthesis with nature rather than against it.\n\nTheir labour bringing down costs gave them the power to expand their role as they transitioned into a full bureaucracy. As the people who came from the place where worlds collided, the power over each sphere that the Natural Servants possessed in their terraforming capability came to enjoy a special place of awe in Zatalas society. All appreciate the great works that the Servants created.
-10% Construction Cost

Star Shelter HallStar Shelter Hall housed the great National Choir, open-roofed so that the stars would look upon and guide the deliberative. The hall was engineered to take full advantage of artistic trends in lighting and acoustics. Famously, the Hall echoed one’s voice back to oneself, forcing parliamentarians to hear their own words. This engendered a better class of politician, encouraging greater honesty by making lying in such a manner harder. It also improved the speaker's rhetorical skills, as they heard how they actually sounded when pontificating
-15% Advisor Cost

-0.1 Yearly Corruption


