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Primary Culture

+0.15 Infantry Fire
+15% Movement Speed

The Ancient Art of Fortune TellingWhat does the future hold for Zanbar? Is it further years of service, to a gnollish overseer, or perhaps Surael's chosen? Is it independence, perhaps a union with the neighbouring city-states? Will they remain adherent to the New Sun Cult, return to the Old, or perhaps even dally with the Jadd heresy or the heathens whispering of a god fragment? Will they rise or will they fall, will they face triumph or tragedy?\n\nNone can know for sure, but one thing is certain: the Zanbari will make none of those decisions without consulting the city's fortune-tellers. Their craft taught to them (it is said) by Brasan the Emancipator, not the lowliest beggar or the mightiest Akal would choose any weighty path without their advice.
+1 Random Candidate Bonus
+1 Monarch Administrative Skill

The Gnollish LegacyAlmost all of Bulwar has known gnollish rule at some point or the other. But the disinterest of most gnolls in the details of administration — aside from the schedule of tribute payments — means they generally leave little behind beyond graves and chain-scars when beaten back.\n\nZanbar, however, is the exception to this rule. Long after the end of Tluukt Cleaver-of-Realm's dominance in the region, its legacy in Zanbar was clear: from the benign (women commonly found in positions of power) to the chilling (the casual use of violence to resolve disputes and satisfy desires). While other Bulwari might view their amorality with disgust and fear, labelling it nigh-heresy, the Zanbari say they know well what Surael cares about — and what He does not.
+25% Female Advisor Chance
-20% Unjustified Demands

The Desert FishGnolls are feared by most Bulwari humans, the stuff of scary stories (and grisly histories). But if the gnolls were ever to have feared one such human in turn, it might be Saed Arduginu, the 13th century Zanbari general.\n\nSaed commanded only a small force of skirmishers and cavalry, but used them to devastating effect, launching countless raids, ambushing small bands of gnolls, and melting away before they could muster a concerted response. By the time he was slain in a Zanbari street-brawl he had earned the nickname Arduginu, the Desert Fish, too slippery to ever be caught. To this day, every Zanbari commander aspires to live up to the example he set.
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

Yamima szel-ArsasarFor centuries, Zanbar has been known across Bulwar (and beyond) for its brothels. Men and woman from across the region flock to them: most seek to satisfy cravings they would not admit to in polite company, but a small handful come to be trained by the best and join the courtesans who can command great wealth and influence within the city.\n\nThe most famous of these was Yamima szel-Arsasar, who rose to prominence in the early 15th century AA. Legend has it she hailed from a small village in northern Bulwar, prone to harpy raids. Her mother perished in childbirth and her father abducted in one such attack, she made her way to Zanbar, where her illustrious beauty and sharp wit saw her quickly become one of its most famous courtesans. At her peak, it was said she commanded more respect, more adoration, more authority, in the city than any of Surael's priests or Bulwar's Akals.
+1 Possible Advisors
-1 National Unrest

The Free Spirited People of ZanbarAny inhabitant of Bulwar, elven or human, is constrained by the rules both formal and informal that pervade Bulwari society. There are the sun cults' commandments, the akalates' laws, and the many restrictions born of countless millennia of traditions, dating all the way back to humanity's birth here.\n\nZanbar sees those rules. Zanbar knows those rules. Zanbar ignores those rules. Life in the city is quick, chaotic, unconstrained — and the people have learned innovation and adaptability from it.
-10% Idea Cost
+25% Innovativeness Gain

Silkworms BorrowersHistorians believe that Zanbari spies stole the secrets of silk production from Rahen around 500 BA, and that silk production spread across Bulwar after that. The silk-capital of the Raj, Sardiphadin, still holds a grudge, and bars any Zanbari from its gates.\n\nThe Zanbari, however, would have you know they've got it all wrong. They weren't stealing the silkworms — merely borrowing them. And if ever asked, they would gladly return them! But alas, all they ever heard was indignant outrage and oblique threats, never a polite request, and so the silk-looms go on spinning to this day.
+20% Spy Network Construction

The Zanbari ConnectionLife in Zanbar is undeniably hectic, though most born there quickly learn to swim its turbulent waters (or soon drown). Still, some grow tired of the chaos, and leave to live in other city-states.\n\nAll these emigrants remain Zanbari at heart, however. They only grudgingly accept their new akalates' laws, often fall in with its unsavoury sorts, and stay in close touch with their families. Any foreigner who makes their way to Zanbar quickly becomes familiar with the ever-present response upon mentioning their origin — "Ah, I have a cousin there!"
+1 Diplomatic Relations

-10% Infantry Cost


