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Primary Culture

+15% Cavalry Combat Ability
+2 Tolerance of Heathens

For Plunder And GloryAfter the fall of the Empire of Gophira, the Guaraddhi steppe came under the control of Kannagarendi, supported by the Gophiran garrison in the city and Taychendi slavers. However Kannagarendi was unable to control the steppes outside its walls. The nomadic Chendhyan tribes of the land barely tolerated the rule of Kannagarendi, and it was only a matter of time before the city state lost its grip on power.\n\nIn the village of Haenbuddar, a group of Chendhyan tribes came together to revive the old Ezhudar of Zaernmaera, with a descendant of Zaernsarlan I becoming the new Adezheg. With that, much of the eastern Guaraddhi fell under the control of Zaenmaera, its tribes proclaiming their allegiance to the Adezheg in Haenbuddar. Through the rights of plunder and glory, the tribes that make up Zaenmaera’s armies stay loyal and motivated.
+20% Available Loot

Riders Of The ApaxegaedaUnlike the Taychendi, we are a nomadic people, whose preferred mount is not the horse but the Apaxegaeda, one of the fastest cats on Halann. We ride across the Guaraddhi, armies in the thousands moving at blazing speeds. Due to the swiftness of our armies, we will always have the strategic advantage against our slower, foot-bound foes.
+15% Movement Speed

Parity At All CostsThe Taychendi are many things, but complacent they are not. After every defeat we inflict upon them, they study their loss and come up with new ways to counter us. If we are to continue our dominance of this hostile region, we will need to learn from them. Every raid we conduct, we make sure to seize as much knowledge as possible. Every Taychendi engineer and officer we capture counts, for we must maintain parity at all costs, lest we lose everything to the foes that surround us.
-10% Military Technology Cost

Cult Of MunaklesMunakles is known far and wide. He is the god-hero of the Chendhyans, whether chain-breaker or forger. Every Chendhyan alive either venerates or worships him, for he is why we exist. As such, the Cult of Munakles is extremely prominent in Zaernmaera. Centered in Haenbuddar, the cult can be found in almost every facet of Zaernmaera’s society, working closely with the Adezheg to maintain order and unity.
+5% All Estates' Loyalty Equilibrium

Power Of The GuaraddhiWest of the iron hills and south of the lands of the Larankarha, the soil transforms into a sea of sand, where no rain falls and civilization clings to the few rivers available. But keep going west, and you arrive in the Guaradddhi, a vast stretch of steppe lands. Here, very few permanent settlements can be found, and most of the elves live a nomadic existence in Chendhyan tribes. They hunt and raid to survive on the backs of their loyal Apaxegaeda companions, a lifestyle that can be easily translated to warfare.\n\nThe tribal and nomadic nature of the Zaernmaeran elves allowed the Ezhudar to mobilize far larger armies than their sedentary enemies. Where a city-state can only field at most a thousand well-trained soldiers and another few thousand conscripts, nearly the entire adult population of Zaernmaera could be called upon at any time, already well trained and battle-ready.
+15% Land Force Limit Modifier

Zaernsarlan The RavagerWhen Sadyzhlan II died in 1395, Zaernsarlan was in the capital while his siblings were off campaigning in enemy lands. He gathered the tribal leaders before his siblings could arrive and was proclaimed Zaernsarlan II, Adezheg of Zaernmaera. As his siblings entered Haenbuddar, they were all slain, mere hours after Zaernsarlan’s ascension. Thus began Zaernsarlan The Ravager’s reign.\n\nOver the course of his 49 year rule, he centralized Zaernmaera, turning the city of Haenbuddar into a fortress, his seat of power in emulation of the Taychendi city states that surrounded Zaernmaera. He sacked and destroyed the city of Kannagarendi, Zaernmaera’s main rival. He campaigned across much of western Taychend, and on occasion even outside of it, with a few Zaernmaeran raiding bands even reaching as far as Ameion’s walls.\n\nBy the time of his death in 1447, Zaernsarlan II had reshaped Zaernmaera from a tribal kingdom in western Taychend to the great power of the Guaraddhi, a legend among the eastern Chendhyans. The cult of Zaernsarlan would hold much sway and influence in the region for centuries after his death, even during the dominance of the Ameioni Empire.
+10% Morale Damage

Fighting On All SidesFerazhan III, known to history as Ferazhan ‘The Unready’, assumed the throne after his father’s death in 1447. A competent administrator but only an average general, he was unprepared for the coming crisis. Ameion, Oremvand, and Rakkabuttai all invaded Zaernmaera within a year of Zaernsarlan’s passing, and soon the army of Rakkabuttai besieged Haenbuddar. Facing three enemies at once, Ferazhan decided to trust in his capital’s defenses, and rode to meet the armies of Oremvand and Ameion near the ruins of Kannagarendi.\n\nFerazhan III gathered the elite riders of his army and charged straight towards the Ameioni line. Unfortunately for him, the long pikes of the Ameioni served as a perfect counter to the standard frontal charges of Zaernmaera. Ferazhan along with many Apaxegaeda and their companions died at the tip of an Ameioni pike. Witnessing this, the Zaernmaeran army dispersed into the steppe, with Haenbuddar being sacked by Rakkabuttai not long after.\n\nThough Zaernmaera had fallen, the tribes that made up the realm lived on. Entire Chendhyan tribes would sign treaties with Ameion, and migrated into the Ameioni half of The Guaraddhi. These Chendhyan tribes paid tribute in the form of military service, fighting in armies across the Ameioni Empire on the backs of their Apaxegaeda companions.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

-5 Years of Separatism


