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Primary Culture

+1 Merchants
+10% Trade Efficiency

Rebuilding the West EndThe western half of our city was utterly devastated by the centaur hordes during the Great Incursion. Much work must be done to return prosperity to this district.
-5% Construction Cost
-5% Development Cost

SovkokeyaThe Sovkokeya is the most commonly used trade ship in Lake Yukelqur, prized for its spacious hold capable of carrying trade goods and men alike.
+10% Movement Speed On and Off Ships
+20% Ship Tradepower Propagation

Canal MarinesTo keep smugglers from choking our canal we've organized a militia of marines to patrol the banks. In times of war we can assign these marines to bolster our naval forces.
+10% Marines Force Limit
+20% National Sailors Modifier

Office of Mercenary AffairsThe O.M.A. is an organization dedicated to ensuring our hired blades are doing the jobs they were hired for to the best of their ability, and spend their earnings on improving their equipment rather than on drink and women. While some may see this as overbearing our budget certainly appreciates it.
-20% Mercenary Maintenance

The Sky WalkAs our city expands we have taken to constructing great towers linked with bridges crossing over the canal, our wealthy have packed up and moved to this soaring district and many merchants choose to spend long periods of shore leave within the establishments gracing the Sky Walk.
+10% Global Trade Power

Tlaric GangsWhile our city soars, those left below, quite literally in the dark, toil within the polluted detritus of our undercity. While they may be rowdy brutes, they do bring a certain set of skills to our militia.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Guild of the LightbearersTo guide ships through our now darkened canal, the Lightbearers carry torches along the way. They act as our enforcers within the undercity, keeping the scum and rabble out of sight from visiting traders.
-1 National Unrest

+10% Galley Combat Ability


