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Primary Culture

+10% Infantry Combat Ability
+15% Reinforce Speed

Memories of KhetaperaWhen the Anzara Empire conquered parts of Khetapera, many imperial denizens moved to establish lizardfolk settlements in the newly acquired territories. \nThe settlers initially struggled to adapt to the climate beyond the jungles, but help came from an unusual direction - humans and harpies. Despite the usual grievances, some units broke out and offered help to each other. \nThis unusual bond only became stronger when Anzara lost its grip on most of Khetapera. When the forces of Kheterata attacked and expelled lizardfolk settlers, humans and harpies migrated with them to the only hilly refuge for lizardfolk - Yushyn - in solidarity with the settlers they helped in the times of yore.
+15% Manpower in Accepted Culture provinces
+1 Max Promoted Cultures

L98_scaleguard_heritageBulwark States were a set of devolved autonomous states set up by Anzaran emperors Teranak II and Qakot V in the late 5th and early 6th century. They were created to protect the wavering empire's borders, and ruled by the members of the royal family to secure the states' loyalty. \nAutonomy was not enough for Yushyn though, as they have used their position many times to try and either gain independence or usurp the throne for themselves. At some point, the Anzaran Empire annexed Yushyn, but the centuries of being governed by the royal family tied a considerable amount of Yushyn populace to the Anzaran emperors’ lineage, giving them potent claims over all of lizardfolk.
-25% Cost to fabricate claims

Outsourced CoinageFor as long as they remember, Yushyn held on to the rich gold mines of Lubidraa. Its wealth made us rich, but sadly Yushyn never projected enough influence to mint their own coin, which forced them to repeat the likeness of the 332nd and later 333rd emperors. This had its upsides though, as controlling the flow of coins gave them leverage when negotiating loans. After all, it was the mines of Lubidraa that supplied the lenders.
+0.05 Yearly Inflation Reduction
-0.25 Interest Per Annum

Relentless InsurrectionistsTo gain independence from their Anzari overlords, Yushyn tried to get as many allies as possible to join their efforts. Humans, Harpies, Hags, Anzara, and Karasskas nobles as well as other lizardfolk tribes were among those who supported them in their efforts to break free from Anzara.\nThe oppressed Yushyn people, who had longed for their freedom, were given a unique opportunity when the Nagas sought their help. Taking up arms once again, they fought valiantly and finally achieved the liberation they had so fervently desired. It may not last for long though as the Nagas seek to unite the tribes under the rule of the Rayaz.\nNo! Yushyn did not sacrifice so many lives to become deprived of their freedom once more. They will fight to the last man for the sake of independence!
-15% Mercenary Cost

A Stone LizardMost lizardfolk you see dwelling in the jungle have developed mutations specific to their environment. Yushyn, on the other hand, has been forced to adapt to the environment of the Ara Mukis highlands. Their community has demonstrated remarkable resilience and survival skills over generations, earning renown worthy of recognition as unique subspecies: Gakhakaya, or Stone Lizard in common.\nAmong their extraordinary adaptations are exceptional muscular strength, heightened senses, and camouflage. These mutations have empowered them to become the masters of the highland domain, a testament to the power of evolution in the face of nature's most formidable tests.
+25% National Supply Limit Modifier

SerrskzulIt is broadly known that one thing that the lizardfolk hate is waste. This is one of the principles even more crucial, when living in the scarcer environments of the hills. They have adapted and centralized their food production into massive terrace farms, fed with fresh Adzalas water, fertilized by collective compost, and farmed by entire extended families.\nThis way, all the matter can be processed in a closed circle of creation, usage, and degradation, guaranteeing their community is well-fed and ready for what is to come.
+10% Production Efficiency

A Promise Of A Living GodYushyn’s friendly relations with humans and harpies have taught them interesting facts about their customs and, most importantly, religion. It depicts a race of god-like Khets who are well alive and performing miracles as we speak. In Anzalkatsa, most of the creation deities are dead, aside from the great Naga-Khatesh, who is recovering on the bottom of the world ocean from the battle against accursed Raka Drakt and his draconic forces during the Anzashyra.\nFor some of the Yushyn, the perspective of living gods that humans and harpies worshiped was a hopeful vision that their prayers could be answered and as time went on, conversions to Khetism started occurring.
+2 Tolerance of Heathens

+20% Improve Relations


