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Primary Culture

+10% Fort Defence
+2 Tolerance of Heretics

Fertilizing our FieldsWhen the Great Incursion reached our city the centaurs met their match, our city being built atop a great plateau that they could not scale. Even faced with such an obstacle they, perhaps admirably, persisted, leaving thousands of their warriors slain by our archers below our towers. Thanks to their stubbornness we have plenty of materiel to fertilize our fields with.
-5% Development Cost

Legacy of "He of the Horizon"Yikashlay was founded by a mysterious sorcerer known as "He of the Horizon", who raised the plateau our city rests upon and constructing many of the towers our people call home. Quite a few of the towers are still barely used, allowing us to convert them to whatever purposes we require.
-10% Construction Cost

Hanging Gardens of YikashlayThe centaur hordes must have been attempting to starve us out of our towers. How they must have wept when we simply began growing our produce from our tallest towers.
-1 National Unrest

Yikashlayi DiplomacyThere are those that would call our dignitaries "vulgar" and "crude", but it is they that simply cannot take a goodnatured joke.
+100% Power Projection From Insults

Hill MarketAs our plateau runs out of space to construct towers upon and our standing edifices fill with workshops and residences, we have taken to expanding into the rock beneath our city, establishing a bustling market carved within the very bedrock.
+10% Global Trade Power

Charting the StarsOur city offers a view like none other, granting an unobstructed view of the stars above at night, which our scholars have taken to meticulously tracking and charting.
-1% Prestige Decay

Scraping the SkiesOur towers are full, and the land beneath risks collapsing should we carve any further. We have only one way to expand; to the very clouds above our towers.
-20% Construction Time

-10% Advisor Cost


