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Primary Culture

+100% Power Projection From Insults
+15% Trade Efficiency

The Council Of IgnoranceAlways in pursuit of new advantages, Sritiz Whisperscale established the council of ignorance as a rather unique take on innovation: staffed not with the wisest or the greatest, but instead with the foolish, the mundane, and the mad. Free to consider the most outlandish ideas with no fear of reprisal, most of what the council produced was complete nonsense! But on the most rare occasion when these detached minds produced something workable, it was of a genius that erudite minds long tied down in pragmatism could never have considered.
-10% Idea Cost

Straddling The BordersGo north, and risk the lands of our savage echoes. Go south, and see the petty human lordlings. Go west, and follow the coast to the cities of the shore. Go east, and gaze upon the mountains and the lakes beyond. Strike out to sea, and see the distant shores of Fahvanosy. But wherever they’ve gone, they’ll bring back a story back home. To that great place, that sits on the crossroads of all things, in fair Yassa.
+1 Diplomats
+10% Improve Relations

The Gold Which Is Not MinedTo those in power, appearances are everything, and nothing speaks to greater wealth and prestige than illustrious purple. Long the colour of imperial dignity, a pot of purple dye might easily be worth its weight in gold. But we have the secret. Through a surprisingly simple process which no one lizard knows in full, we have the secret to make this most regal thing at a pittance! Under the watchful eye of a royal monopoly both profit and secrecy are maintained, with even our most ardent opponents eventually found at our door willing to pay through the gills for this cloth that demands respect.
+10% Production Efficiency

Restraint Of The ClawThe advent of firearms brought great change to all lizardfolk, marking the diminished importance of their claws and speaking to a future where they might be obsolete. Seeking what was seen as a fading chance at glory, it was all too common in the fever of battle to see the finest gunners abandon their firearms for the honour of close claw-to-claw combat. Seeking to curtail this selfish and outmoded attitude, king Mitra established the Rakraz Tartashvyth Tsarat - the Royal Thundersteel School - to properly educate his soldiers on the usage and power of firearms. This drastically reduced the rate of this battle madness, while the foolish corpses of those seeking "glory" would be found wherever Yassa knew victory.
+0.15 Infantry Fire

Clearing A PathEven to those who have known no other home, travelling through the jungle is a harsh burden. While ancient trails exist, these are often the width of a single lizard and the idea of trying to send large-scale caravans through these passes is laughable. But while it is a long process the jungle can be tamed - even if only a little. The long work of centuries has made something close to a clear road from Yassa in every direction.
+25% Caravan Power

The Citadel Of StoriesThe royal palace has never been the true heart of Yassa; that accolade instead goes to the great citadel of stories which the city itself is said to have been built around. It is the ancient rite of passage within Yassa to strike out from home and return with a worthy tale to have inscribed. None in Yassa can truly call themselves an adult if they have not visited the keepers to give a worthy story for future generations. From the lowliest peasant to the very kings, all share this bond.
-2 National Unrest

Equal Oppotunity CommerceLizardfolk are not known for their hospitality, and this cold disposition has long left the coastal kingdoms of Khazynas spurned by human or halfling traders for friendlier ports. Having since exhausted all new avenues of wealth among their own kin, the avaricious king Aethron inevitably looked out to sea for new opportunities and found a reputation of cruelty and intolerance awaiting all lizardfolk. Dismayed but not deterred, he made it his mission that before his death, lizardfolk would be welcome in every port in Sarhal, and so moved to ensure that all other species would be welcome in Yassa.
+1 Merchants

+10% Artillery Combat Ability


