Yansheni Ideas

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+15% Land Fire Damage
-33% State Maintenance

Many Under OneFor thousands of years the Yan stood shattered and disunited, warring with each other over petty disputes and leaving themselves open for external conquerors to prey upon. Now we stand as one people, forged from countless backgrounds and cultural traditions into a single mighty nation to bring stability and prosperity to all of Yanshen.
-20% Stability Cost Modifier

Gonghe GuardIn order to defend our republic we require a strong army, for diplomacy will only get one so far. The volunteers of the Gonghe Guard serve as our shield against those that covet our riches, a standing army loyal to the people and government of Yanshen.
+20% Land Force Limit Modifier

The Endless FieldsWhile our land may be rich in luxury goods, we also have a great supply of the more humble and mundane. Far from the bustling markets and workshops of the cities are vast fields of crops stretching across the horizon and far beyond, feeding our rapidly growing population and allowing us to thrive.
+15% National Manpower Modifier
+5% Production Efficiency

TongyiriCelebrating the day our republic was founded, Tongyiri is a grand celebration across all of Yanshen where the diverse people of the land come together as one, each bringing elements of their culture to allow their fellow countrymen to experience all that the Yan have to offer.
-2 National Unrest

Growth of the YanheWith peace and unity reigning over Yanshen, the cities along the Yanhe have seen a massive population boom. Within what is rapidly becoming one of the most densely populated regions in Halann, massive renovations and expansions are needed to support our people. Thankfully, we have plenty of workers to carry out these grand projects.
-10% Development Cost

Yuanyang ShanghuiAs traders flock to our shores from a world over, we have realized the necessity of an organized merchant class. The Yuanyang Shanghui serve to fulfill this, issuing trade licenses to respectable and worthy individuals to represent our mercantile interests abroad.
+15% Trade Efficiency

Golden Age of YanshenYanshen has never prospered so, her people have never been so united, and her fields have never been so bountiful. The arts and sciences flourish like never before, and the standard of living for the average Yan is far above that of many other nations. Yanshen has entered an age of prosperity and glory, and may it never come to a close.
+1 Monthly Splendour
+1 Yearly Prestige

-10% Technology Cost