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Primary Culture

+25% National Supply Limit Modifier
-20% Migration Cost

Forest HutsThe forest huts are one of the most creative designs of our tribe and you would be hard-pressed trying to find a society capable of recreating such a feat. Constructing within the trees of the forest we use their trunks and branches as supports elevating our homes high above the ground with our people living in concealed structures within the canopy. While this practice may seem unnatural to our peers, and even to some within our own tribe, this innovative design serves a very practical purpose: by building within the trees the Yan tribe is better able to make use of the space within the forest and protects the tribe from the monsters that prowl the forest floor.
-10% Development Cost

Blood MonstersHidden deep within the Bloodgroves are the most horrific creatures the Boek have ever encountered. Whilst our ancient enemies the Cheshoshi are aggressive they are nothing in comparison to the Bloodfeeders. Horrific creatures that look like a drained corpse, they drink the blood of any Boek unfortunate enough to be caught by them leaving them a lifeless drained husk.\n\nBloodfeeders are neither intelligent, nor numerous but they are strong. Capable of killing a brave with a single swipe a small pack of Bloodfeeders can certainly present a serious threat to an unprepared force. Whilst many aspire within our tribe aspire to hunt the Bloodfeeders, only the most elite of our braves are permitted to venture into the Bloodgroves and only after a lifetime of training.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Survive the BloodfrenzyThe main advantage we hold over the Bloodfeeders is that their raiding parties are ill-prepared and small, hoping to catch us off guard, our braves are easily able to fend them off. However, during the winter the trees of the Bloodgroves run red with blood, and the Bloodfeeders are worked up into what is known as a Bloodfrenzy, attacking our tribe with unprecedented numbers, and enhanced strength that would easily overwhelm our Braves.\n\nIn the past we have fled the Bloodgroves during this period, using distance to protect us from the Bloodfeeders. As our tribe grows however the prospect of moving our entire tribe becomes a daunting one, and so have been forced to adapt. Rather than fleeing from the Bloodfrenzy, we will fight it, but on our terms. By filling our lands with traps and practicing hit and run tactics we can weaken any Bloodfeeder force long before it reaches our tribe, and then our Braves can easily finish them off.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

First of the CoalitionWhile attacks from the Bloodfeeders are a fact of life for any bold enough to stand on the border of the Bloodgroves, a great surge of them so far out of season was a shock to our people, catching our braves off guard, and tearing at the fabric of our tribe. Soon, though, our scouts found the source of this great terror. Strange folk so much like ourselves, yet so different. They cut down our scouts with the same emotionless precision as they offered the Bloodfeeders.\n\nSo it was for years, that we skirmished with these 'elves'. Though we could scarcely capture them, for the ferocity they offered, what little we could gleam was that they wished to kill all who walk upon the world, save for their own kin. So it was, for a time, our dwellings pushed from the forest that was our home, our trees aflame as we found ourselves set against this great enemy.\n\nBut we were not alone in our fight. A strange short-eared folk followed who too came from across the seas but were embroiled in battle with the elves. Whilst at first we had distrusted these people it became clear we could not stand alone and our braves joined with theirs becoming their brothers in battle, standing at our side, along with many others. It was not short, it was not simple, but soon enough, we had pushed the callous elves of this Aelnar into the sea once more.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+1 Yearly Prestige

Bounties of the ForestAmongst the Boek none are as adept at trapping as the Yanek, in our past experience the Bloodfeeders provided ample opportunity and motivation for the young in our tribe to learn and practice trapping. But after the elves came, Bloodfeeder numbers dwindled and the art of trapping fell out of favour, with the children of our tribe preferring to learn to fight, hoping to become a brave.\n\nRecently there has been a sharp uptake in demand for furs by the Cannorians, who have explained to our traders that furs from Cannor are becoming harder to come by. With this news many in our tribe have determined that the trapping art was abandoned too quickly, and youngsters are being encouraged to take up trapping once again.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Monsters of MenWhile the settlers brought with them many treasures and curiosities, they have also brought with them something darker. Shortly after their arrival members of our tribe began to be found dead, drained of blood as if from a Bloodfeeder, however upon investigation all bodies lacked the distinctive characteristics of a Bloodfeeder attack, the victims were not harmed, seemingly having walked to their death of their own volition. Furthermore many members of our tribe have been found alive but with two puncture marks on their neck, but with no memory of the night before.\n\nA thorough investigation by our priests and braves lead us to the answer to this mystery. With the settlers came a new breed of Bloodfeeder, one capable of disguising itself as a person, tricking our people into following them away from the tribe where they are drained of blood.\n\nOur braves have become adept at hunting and killing these creatures. Unlike their Bloodfeeder brethren they are vulnerable to sunlight and bound to a single location that, once destroyed, can eliminate the creature permanently. This skill seems to be one that is in high demand with the settlers and our braves are often hired to hunt down and kill these creatures.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay
+50% Possible Condottieri

Seat of GodOne strange stipulation included in the contracts of many of our mercenaries is that they are to worship their God and in return they are granted great weapons and knowledge by the priests.\n\nWhilst we were initially skeptical of these claims, as times goes on more and more of our tribe has become entranced by this religion, and now even our chief, Vara'mar, has converted, officially inviting Ravelian missionaries into our lands, so that they may teach our people more about the one God.
+1 Missionaries

+25% Religious Unity


