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Primary Culture

-10% Construction Cost
+20% Garrison Size

Veneration Of YouthfulnessCaring for, and venerating the young is an inherent part of Effe'i culture. This extends all the way to their unique form of worship, which seeks to appease their Goddess. The Effe'i regularly sing songs and perform rituals at the site of Tswohvwoh'ii's saplings, alongside their own young. These rituals seek to grant their Goddess' blessing to their youth, and to teach their young the value in respecting even the smallest forms of life within the jungle.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Tswohvwoh'ii's CallingTswohvwoh'ii called upon her worshippers to navigate her lands and earn the privilege to settle down. Each step we took during our great pilgrimage was a step taken towards a brighter future. Our Goddess is capable of showing mercy towards those that fulfill what is asked of them, and the blessing to settle her lands was a great gift that none of us could ignore. Each part of the journey also granted us the opportunity to uncover a great many boons for our nation. In the west, the jungle is filled with trees sturdier than stone, which were perfect for constructing our future settlement. To the south, there is a great forest of towering mushrooms, and the heart of our Goddess. There lay the true symbol of life and rebirth for the jungle. The east is filled with hostile fauna, and ravenous "leechmen". They are accursed beasts, in service to a malevolent God; caution will be necessary when passing through their hunting grounds. Within the northern region, rumors of ancient ruins that are brimming with unnatural devices run wild. We must be prepared, for this is no denying this calling.
+15% Movement Speed
+50% Trade Range

Inhospitable HabitationEvery day that we continue to survive in this jungle is a gift. But even gifts can have a price, for Tswohvwoh'ii does not give her gifts out of any form of kindness, but from a grim reality that we may someday be useful to her.\n\nSleepless nights are spent staring into a dark jungle, gnawing at our sanity, threatening to swallow us whole. Every new sunrise brings with it the horrors of a new day. Vast swathes of our people have already succumbed to the jungle's trials, and none are untouched by her wrath. Each scar tells a tale, one which may have frightened us at some point, but now simply adds to the dull ache of our terrible burden. For what purpose must our people continue to brave these challenges? Why have we not already given up, and offered ourselves into her loveless embrace? Because we are strong.\n\nOur strength is not just that of our bodies, but our minds as well. Endless decades of horrors have forged our people into fierce hunters and warriors. Each challenge brings forth new opportunities for improvement and for our society to learn how to thrive in this nightmare. While none go unscathed, every loss has brought us ever close to becoming the masters of this jungle, or at the very least, finally escaping its grasp.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Lifebloom HealersLifebloom is both a precious herb for healing and a fierce toxin that can kill a beast in minutes. Knowing which part of the plant to use, and how to harvest it in a way that does not excrete toxins, is an art even our finest shamans must devote great care to. While luck played a role in this discovery, so did our patience and extensive observation of the seedthralls. While most tribes are rightly terrified of them, if observed passively from a far enough distance, they will often leave our scouts alone. Either our goddess does not see us as a threat, or our effort to maintain her growths has earned us a small bit of favor…fleeting as it may be.\n\nWith lifebloom, an injury that would normally take months to recover from can be easily healed in days. There are even stories of particularly skilled shamans able to cure injuries that would normally be fatal. This herb is our tribe's most guarded secret, and our best means of survival within this hostile environment.
+5% Manpower Recovery Speed
+8% Reinforce Speed

Deathbloom ToxinWhile a properly harvested lifebloom herb can cure almost any wound, the improper handling of this herb results in an extremely deadly toxin. Even some of our most renowned healers have succumbed to fatigue, leading to agonizing pain from even a small fatal mistake. If even a drop of this toxin is absorbed into one’s skin, a quick death is the best treatment we can offer. Within minutes the toxin works its way through their body, boiling blood and causing burns to form under their skin. Many have tried to stop the spread or find a cure, but even our best attempts have only resulted in extending their suffering for a few moments longer.\n\nEven a tribe of healers and talented craftsmen have a need of self defense, however. With our spears and arrows coated in the toxin and traps laid out all around our campsites, very few of the ravenous beasts here ever dare tread into our territory anymore. While they may not be able to communicate with us, they have learned from repeatedly testing our defenses, just to succumb to the toxins we employ. Even larger beasts come down quickly from a single prick of a deathbloom coated arrow, the internal injuries seemingly amplified by size of the creature. Avoiding conflict is still a necessity though, as some of the seedthralls seem to instead thrive on this toxin; we dare not test them any further.
+10% Fort Defence
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Dendriform ArchitectureEach Effe'i structure is carved into powerful towering trees in the Western section of the jungle. Even the more mobile settlements that the Effe'i form are made in the image of their goddess, resembling the very trees around them. This works as a form of worship and reverence, as well as a form of camouflage. Most beasts of the jungle shy away from even attempting to damage the trees, both because they are as hard as any stone, and because such actions would draw the goddess' ire. Our craftsmen start by taking part in a somber song; this ritual draws them to trees that our goddess allows us to use. Any deviation from this would result in the collapse of our tribe, and the hatred of our goddess. When the craft begins to take form, the song shifts to one of veneration and honor for the now husk of a tree, though its natural beauty is still apparent. Finally, the song shifts to one of rebirth and hope, the structure finally completed, and the tree now taking on a new stage of its life as shelter for our tribe, which will in turn care for its young.
-10% Development Cost

Cannorian TechnologyWith the arrival of settlers and adventurers from the east, new technology has become available to us. Advanced farming techniques and tools have led to a population boom, opening up more opportunities for expansion, and freeing us from a marginal subsistence. This has brought our once burgeoning population into a sustainable range. More importantly, the weapons of war these foreigners possess could be a tool with which to unshackle ourselves from Tswohvwoh'ii's suffocating grip.
-5% Artillery Cost
+5% Production Efficiency

+2% Missionary Strength


