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Primary Culture

+2 Possible Advisors
+10% National Tax Modifier

Crown of XiyunFor centuries, the throne of Xiyun was passed between puppets of foreign powers, the principality being independent in name only. What was once a mighty kingdom in southern Yanshen had become a novelty to be traded between nations for favors and coin. This ended with the rise of the Xi, and we shall not return to such a dishonorable status.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

House of Fire and WaterThe renowned House of Fire and Water is one of the premier alchemical guilds in Yanshen, inventing and producing countless potions, concoctions, and draughts through the centuries. They have even been credited with the discovery of charcoal, but there is little to no evidence to prove this. Even if this claim is false, they have many other discoveries that prove their status as an shrewd and inventive group.
-10% Idea Cost

Treason ActsThe assassination of Xi Juo was an atrocity, and many of the conspirators continue to lurk in our court, seeking a chance to strike at our dynasty once again. They must be purged, along with anyone with any ties to them, if we are to ensure Xiyun remains free from the yoke of outside influences.
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

HinghoThe newest creation of the House of Fire and Water, a sticky substance that burns for hours, on any surface, and is virtually impossible to put out. Smoldering with such intense heat as to warp steel and melt stone, castle walls literally vaporize in front of us with this new weapon.
+15% Siege Ability

Summer GuardThe Summer Guard is made up of the closest confidants of the House of Xi to guard our ruler. They go everywhere their liege travels, armed and ready to fend off would-be assassins while a separate branch patrols the underworld to stamp out any conspiracy that may be brewing beneath our noses.
+20% Foreign Spy Detection

Lady of the SpringIn the heart of Xiyun lies the Sacred Spring of the Lady, who's eponymous resident spirit, an ethereal beauty with thousands of years of wisdom, has graced since our kingdom's founding. Though she may only appear to a very select few, the spring is still a place of serene peace that fosters unity between our people.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

The Sceptreless KingWe've long been referred to as 'The Sceptreless Kingdom', a snide remark on the lord's status as a eunuch. Though it may have been intended as an insult, our lieges have embraced the title as fact, not attempting to pass as a normal monarch but one enlightened and extensively educated, uniquely suited to reigning over the land without needless distractions and resistant to bribery and seductions that would corrupt a lesser sovereign.
+10 Maximum Absolutism
+0.5 Yearly Prestige

+1 Yearly Absolutism


