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Primary Culture

+1 Diplomats
-2 National Unrest

Grand Masters of the SouthWhen the venerable Righteous Path was but a newly born faith, the misty hills of Xianjie were broken into large monastery kingdoms. One of these ancient monasteries was Xaram, established by the first Sikai converts in the 4th century BA. Though the influence of Elder Xaram declined over the centuries as more temples were founded by emerging schools of the Xia, the honorary title of the Southern Monastery stays with the Xarami Grand Masters, a statement reminding everyone in the south of Xianjie of the once-primacy of the order.
-5% Aggressive Expansion Impact
-20% Cost to fabricate claims

The Disgraced OrderThe reign of Tung Zhyuan, a powerful chi-cultivator who studied the Lefthand Path and other malevolent forces, was the greatest shame in Xaram's history. The Sinister Master, as he’s known nowadays, is infamous for silently purging his order from those who he couldn't sway to forbidden ways, spreading his influence in secrecy throughout Xianjie, carving a warpath through the region, wiping out countless schools, and coming close to destroying the Xia altogether, all in his quest for godhood.\n\nBut his ambitions were never fulfilled, as he and the army of his disciples were destroyed in the battle of Xiadao by a coalition of Xiaken and heroes from across Haless. While the rest of Xianjie has over the centuries let Tung Zhyan fade to a figure of stories and chronicles, in Xaram the scars of his reign are still visible, best exemplified by the High-Temple torn apart by Zhyuan’s dark magic. We must never forget what the Sinister Master did, lest another like him rise again.
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Path of the Humble ServantThe Sinister Master made a mockery of the paths of prior Xarami Great Masters, destroying their traditional art to the point where none could rebuild it after his campaign. In its place, a new school emerged, built by the ones forcefully drafted into his host, secretly defiant of his actions. These people rebuilt the monastery of Xaram with their new identity standing in contrast to Tung Zhuyan: a path of humility, selflessness, and empathy.\n\nThe practitioners of the Humble Servant are known as the charitable, good-willed monks of the Xianjie, always respectful of their opponent and the act of cultivating one’s chi through martial arts, while denouncing anything that is prideful and malicious.
+0.1 Yearly Inflation Reduction

You Like What You HaveAs the Path of the Humble Servant began to establish itself in Xaram, the many masters of the monastery debated the nuances of how their new order should move forward as a movement. While the philosophical side seemed straightforward, there were substantial conflicts about how to properly build a new combat form - the Sinister Master cared not which weapon his disciples used, and so there was no common tradition among the survivors of his armies.\n\nThe months passed as debate ensued, each round reaching an unsalvageable stalemate, with no sides standing dominantly over each other. Then, one of the masters had a moment of realization. Nothing had to change, as what mattered in the end was for the weapon to serve its purpose in defending the physical and cultivating the internal. The one who reached this revelation came to be the first Great Master of the Humble Servant, as he was the one to finalize the new identity of Xaram.
+15% National Manpower Modifier

Seeing Many PerspectivesIf there was one thing that stayed consistent throughout Xaram’s history, it was their desire for knowledge. Whether it was in ancient times, when the first monks sought answers as to why their gods had abandoned them while preaching the Righteous Path, or in the times of the Sinister Master, whose desire for omnipotence led to his hubris and defeat, the Xarami have been dedicated to teasing out the secrets of this world.\n\nNor would this trend change during the time of the new order. Their position at the crossroads of four peoples - the Kai, Bom, Szitu, and Harpies - serves them well in that manner, as they are able to trade and learn with those of many cultural backgrounds. These multiple points of view on aspects of life allow them to experience existence in a much more diverse manner, helping them achieve their inner peace in different ways depending on a monk’s personality.
+1 Tolerance of Heathens
+1 Tolerance of Heretics

To House a PilgrimThe privilege of being a custodian of a high temple, even a ruined one, comes with many implications. Many pilgrims and worshippers of High Philosophy come to the ruined temple of Xaram, and some of these choose to stay in the shattered high temple’s vicinity, contributing even further to the cultural diversity of South Xianjie.\n\nIt can only seem perfect that the Humble Servant controls this valuable position, as their way requires them to not only respect the pilgrim’s stance on life but also engage with it in pursuit of new knowledge. This creates an atmosphere of kindness and understanding that the visitors heavily appreciate when staying in Xaram.
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

Refinement By PainThe journey to become honest with oneself is one that not everyone is willing to take. Life throws many obstacles that can break and corrupt an unresilient mind. For this do the Xarami train their minds even firmer than their bodies - to resist the darkness that led their ancestors astray and become immune to the intrusive darkness from the recesses of the mind.\n\nSaid training is a way of fighting fire with fire. Controlled dosage of excruciating and exhausting techniques and positive reaffirmation to keep going despite the physical and mental trauma, resulting in what is deemed one of the most perverted, radical schools of the Righteous Path. Despite that, people still appear at the monasteries with the thought that the rigorousness of said training is the only thing that can lead them to become better people.
+10% Recover Army Morale Speed


