Wyvernhearter Ideas

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-10% Advisor Cost
+10% Land Fire Damage

Like a Liqueur on FireWhen the Wyvernhearters came to rule the lands of Cannwood and old Agradent, they also came to rule over the peoples who held ancient ties to dragon-worshipping Nimrithani... and as all Vernmen do, they took to the most exciting discoveries like a moth to a flame.\n\nIn the case of alcohol, this was literal, and Wyvernhearter mixologists came to utilize the old Nimrithani fire rituals with their own infusions. Combining the Sweetsting liqueur famous in Verne and various oils and spices with Nimrithani traditions, the cocktail, known as the Wyvern's Breath, is serves as a shot on aplate saucer and set alight, causing a gust of flame to shoot out from the concotion like a breath of flame. A straw is then used to quickly consume the drink.\n\nWhile complex and factually incorrect (as wyverns didn't breathe fire), the drink became popular amongst daring adventurers across Halann.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Pilferer of the AlenPushed beyond the White Walls to the poorer woodland hills of western Escann, the burgeoning Kingdom of Wyvernheart soon found wealth in their newfound role as stewards of the mighty river Alen. As with so many adventurer kingdoms, they were noble at first, guarding the river that linked Dameshead to Castonath against lurking orc and goblin marauders. But as the Age of Greentide died the Wyvernhearter kings found themselves pressed by rivals from all sides, and they turned to putting fickle and extortionate taxes on would-be merchants to ensure their survival.\n\nTheir pilferage knew no bounds, and during the 16th and 17th century as the Corinite Wars plunged Cannor proper into flame, refugees fled up the Alen to Escann where they thought wrongly that they would be safe from injustice. Instead, they found Wyvernhearter patrols with wand and musket in hand, asking for everything but the clothes off their back in exchange for 'protection'.
+10% National Tax Modifier

Burnblood Mutants"Do you hear that? Of scale and flesh bound. Fear them, son. They run on all fours yet can stand like a man. They were men, once, you know? Now warped by foul magics banned out west. They lurk the Cannwood, as if wolves, see, seeking flesh and prey like us. The wyvern-men. Don't bother running. Fight back, if you can. Bullets won't help ye, so use that bayonet of yours. Pray to Corin and avoid their great maws and their talons at all costs. If you don't, you'll be dead already, see? For their blood burns with venom off their namesake. All it takes is a drop and it'll sear you from the inside."\n\n-Unknown Corinite refugee
+10% Morale of Armies

Anointed by the FloodWhen the Crimson Deluge came, all of Escann came to know that Corinite was their lady and saviour, none more so than the Kingdom of Wyvernheart. Already bound to feats of glory and bravery, the people soon came to see the Floodborn: the poor mages of Escann whose lungs would fill with foul liquids every time the Deluge struck, as bearers of Corin’s suffering and determination. Those that survived went onto to become the Witch Kings of Escann, and in Wyvernheart, became the living embodiment of the divine right of kings.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Brave Minds Think AlikeAs artificery grew beyond the curated confines of the gnomish Gommo, many human artificers found themselves cast out and ridiculed for doing as humans do: pushing the limit. It is said that the first generation of immoral artificers, while few, found themselves a home in places like Corvuria and Wyvernheart. And while ordinary Corvurians were suspicious of them, as is their wont, in Wyvernheart they were treated with respect for having the bravery to push the burgeoning fields of science.\n\nWhilst the mages created the Burnblood, it is said that the artificers of Wyvernheart perfected them... much to the chagrin of mages. By the time the magical class realized the full promise of artificery, the brave minds of Wyvernheart had already entrenched themselves with an army of mutants at their beck and call, if they so felt threatened.
-5% Technology Cost

Rise of the RegentAll feared him, the most powerful war wizard in Cannor: the Regent of Wyvernheart.\n\nAs all of Escann crumbled before the might of Nurcestir, Wyvernheart stood steadfast. Even while the nobles of his own kingdom plotted and schemed against the crown and each other, the Regent of Wyvernheart kept them bound to his will through callous rule and wanton violence: the only language he saw that other magical nobles understood.\n\nBut he never did it for himself. He did it for his family. For his undying love for the last of his kin: his nephew, the timid yet magically gifted king.\n\nStill... those who threatened the crown would come to know that a new type of wyvern flew in Escann, and the Regent would bring magedeath to entire households with a thought, entire armies with a flick of a finger, slaying the most powerful Witch Kings of the age with an extension of a wrist.
+1 Land Leader Fire
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

Fall of the RegentOf course, the Regent possessed no true friends; only enemies now and enemies later. When he broke through the White Walls and marched on Castonath, he was left without supplies and reinforcements and captured by King Camir of Núrcestir with the aid his faithful companions Verindir and Erelorna. While he rotted in prison and Escann fell to Camiran rule, he heard word... his nephew had been slain in a bloody coup orchestrated by the nobles who sent him off to war in the first place.\nIn 1689, after a year of imprisonment, he broke out and killed his way through the Splendid Court. But when he found Camir, he did not kill him, instead offering his service. In return, the Regent was released upon his own kingdom, and alone he wiped out the entirety of the Wyvernheart nobility, whether they were suspect in the coup or not, leaving in his wake countless ruined towns, castles and palaces all across the country.\n\nCamir, however, was not a content man, and more importantly not a man who tolerated wild dogs without a leash. The night after his last victory, all eight of the Royal Wizards of Núrcestir descended upon the Regent of Wyvernheart and slew him... but not before five of them died at the Regent’s hands. After that peace was finally restored in Wyvernheart, and the peasantry came to know stability, albeit under Camiran yoke.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

+1 Military Free Policies