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Primary Culture

-10% Construction Cost
+10% Fort Defence

Woodwell Forest ClaimsSince time immemorial, our ancestors have worked the wood of the forest to produce some of the finest woodcrafts in Cannor. All the wood is our domain, and these feudal upstarts will not deny us our home.
-15% Core-Creation Cost

Hardy WoodsmenUnlike most of our imperial neighbors, our people are honest workers who know the value of hard labor on character and the soul. Our soldiers are thus less likely to break than our cousins from the plains.
+5% Infantry Combat Ability
-5% Shock Damage Received

Simple Life, Simple RuleOur nobility works closely with those who work the land itself, and are thus unlikely to impose the harsh tributes our more feudal neighbors extract from the peasants. Our people know this, and respect our fair rule.
-2 National Unrest

The Kind Men of WoodwellAll across Anbennar, our people are often stereotyped as honest, if simple, folk to whom duplicity is a foreign concept. While this is not strictly true, it has done wonders for our reputation.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Elven GladewaysIn the elves we have found kindred spirits who respect the sanctity of the forest. Our shared values have led to a great deal of cooperation and trade between us, such as the construction of the beautiful forested gladeways that link our realms.
+10% Trade Efficiency

Ancient LumberWhile not as expansive as the ancient Deepwoods or Greatwoods of the Alenic Frontier, the woods of West Dameshead are no less old and prove to be fine timber for shipmaking.
+10% Ship Durability

The Enduring Forest FolkOur people are hardy and determined, unwilling to give up their roots in the forests we call our home. They will fight to the last to protect the forests by any means necessary, and like the forests, they will endure.
+10% Morale of Armies

+1 Yearly Prestige


