Wolf Command

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Wolf Command

Primary Culture

+20% Cavalry Combat Ability
+2 Land Leader Manoeuvre

One Command, One Marshal“An ordered and efficient society requires one final and unequalled source of authority, to and from which everything flows.\nWe should tolerate no bickering, no interference, and no questioning among our upper ranks. In this world, there shall only be one Command, and one Marshal: a role unique in essence which cannot be compared, and whose power cannot be partitioned among multiple people. Loyal hobgoblins should all share in one name, and those who betray us or refuse to follow the Marshal’s orders unquestioningly should all be treated as mere Gerunanin. They shall be without recognized identity or clan.”\n\nSuch is the view promulgated by Bei Wolfborn, a talented yet controversial general who found support even beyond Wolf Hobgoblins on the back of Moguwon’s unparalleled success.
-10% Development Cost in Primary Culture
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

Comprehensive DrillingNascent empires falter not only due to the failings of an army, but also by failing to administrate newly-conquered lands. The inability to utilize resources to achieve broader goals, be it local or national, leads to the unnecessary deaths of our men on the field and drastically delays our march upon Haless.\n\nFor these reasons, advanced numeracy and literacy will henceforth be required to become an high-ranking officer or general. In addition to our basic military training, we shall strictly enforce a standardized curriculum in the realms of geography, history and math. By means of this new training regime– which extends to martial and mental matters alike– our officers will be ready to oversee conquered lands when we descend upon Shamakhad on the back of our wargs.
-10% Administrative Technology Cost

Honorable FewAmong the various conquered people of Haless, we thought we would find no honor whatsoever. Yet even in our moments of weakness, some of the humans and harimari supported us against what we thought to be their brethren.\n\nEven if many among us cynically distrust them, some of our generals (such as Bei Wolfborn) have personally exalted those among the Gerunanin who have shown loyalty to our commanders, or kindness to the unfortunate among us. These people were colloquially referred to as the Todo-Kehodan, second brothers, by Wolf Hobgoblins before their status was broadly formalized under the Laws of Ninun.
-5 Years of Separatism

Army of WargsIn our wars against the Raheni and the other hobgoblins, our terrifying yet well-disciplined warg riders proved their superiority. They defeated larger masses of infantry, scared off enemy cavalry, and rapidly moved to prey on enemy supply lines and weaker flanks. The havoc they caused was crucial to our victories.\n\nAfter achieving hegemony over Shamakhad, we shall take this unprecedented opportunity to expand our warg riders by converting elite infantry units, and by vastly widening the pool of clans deemed fit to train riders. Clans that have shown competence and loyalty will be allowed to raise their own wargs, lowering the burden on the state while exalting said clans. Additionally, poorly-used pasture lands will be seized by the state and converted into intensely-used grazing land. They shall feed the cattle, which, in turn, will feed our rising hordes of ever-hungry wargs.
+25% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
-10% Cavalry Cost

The Iron RoadAs much as the hobgoblins of the old Boar and (especially) the old Lion Command rightfully complained about the challenges of living in the obscurity of the Serpentspine, they underappreciated the gift under their feet that was the Dwarvorod. In its efficiency and ease to traverse even with heavy cargo, it serves as a good object of admiration and envy alongside the golden road completed by the Jaherian army to our south.\n\nTo not fester longer in envy, an ever-more-glorious road will be constructed to connect our mines in the Serpentspine and western highlands to the warforges on the Yanhe, as well as to connect the Yanhe and Kharuyana rivers. This road will be wide enough to double as both a military highway, and as a road open to sanctioned industries and traders. Gerunanin merchants and manufacturers are only allowed to benefit from our rule if they have proven their worth and usefulness.
+5% Goods Produced Modifier
+10% Movement Speed

Legacy of MoguwonGuided by Moguwon, the greatest hobgoblin who ever lived, we achieved great feats that will forever reshape our understanding of rulership and our place in the world. It is only natural that all of our children should learn of his achievements, and of the qualities he possessed which every hobgoblin should strive to cultivate.\n\nEvery aspiring marshal of the Wolf Command will have grown up being intellectually challenged by the same questions and puzzles which the old Moguwon shared with his family, soldiers, and generals alike. As he said, neither an army nor a nation can survive solely off glory in battle, nor by charisma alone: rather, they thrive under well-understood and well-enforced rules. Our army may only succeed and our war camps may only prosper when provided with abundant and consistent supplies.
+1 Monarch Administrative Skill

Eternal PackThe wolf, an animal terrifying to its prey, yet unswervingly loyal and compassionate to its own. This description reflects on our people: to our enemy we show no mercy, but in our settlements we care for each other. The sick and the orphans can find shelter in any home. and eat alongside members of any clan. Our youths will have no fear of failing or of disappointing their clan while growing up, because just as Moguwon faced setbacks alongside great success, so should any hobgoblin learn to survive one’s own failures.\n\nNo hobgoblin is treated as a stranger by any other, for we are one family, one clan, one pack against the world.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

+5% Discipline


