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Primary Culture

-10% Land Attrition
-10% Sailor Maintenance

Local RivalriesThe Westmoors are a fractious and disunited land clinging to the edges of civilization. While we may seem petty to the southron lords, our feuds have forged a strong martial culture in which only the strongest might survive.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay

Repair the PortsThe crannogs and moors that span our home are ill-suited for travel; while this has deterred would-be invaders since the days of Castanor, such geography has left us perilously disconnected from the outside world. Let us refound the ports along our shores and invite traders from abroad.
+15% Trade Steering

An Inhospitable LandThe Westmoors have always been a dangerous place, and many an aspiring conqueror has been lost beneath the muddy bogs. It was this treacherous terrain that saved the House of Gawe, and thus all Gawed, from the Castanorian menace, and it is that treacherous terrain that shall safeguard us evermore.
+10% Fort Defence
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Control the Squabbling Moor LordsWhile they are indisputably lesser than any honest Moor Lord, the lords of the South, to their credit, have developed the curious idea that perhaps not every frivolous feud should end with bloodshed. Let us rein in the lesser Moor Lords under our authority and impose some semblance of order upon the realm.
-10% Stability Cost Modifier

Care Not For The Gaudy LordsOur neighbors farther South may view us as barbaric, but when have we ever cared for the thoughts of primped-up princelings who have never left the comfort of their castles? Does the wolf care for the whims and bleats of the sheep?
-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact

Enduring the Sea of Broken IceWhat little coastline we have opens unto the Sea of Broken Ice, a perilous gray expanse dotted with roving icebergs. Only the most daring -or foolish- sailors would ply such fearsome waters, and only ships of the sturdiest timber could survive them, and the Westmoors have both aplenty.
+5% Ship Durability

Ancient Moor ClansSome ancient Moor Clans can trace descent from the very first human settlers of the Alenic Frontier, in the era before the elves, when Gawed was little more than a smattering of tribes just beyond the reach of Old Dameria. Let us take pride in this heritage.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

+10% Trade Efficiency


