West Tipney

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West Tipney

Primary Culture

+20% Improve Relations
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

The Guest's LeafThere is an unspoken rule among our folk, to give any guest who comes to visit the best tobacco we have on hand. This ensures a strong sense of community and goodwill exists within our humble country.
-2 National Unrest

Settling InWe, the people of Tipney, have always been a relaxed and gentle folk, capable of enduring most hardships thanks to our soothing tobacco. Even we have our limits however, and after fleeing our ruined homes our people are eager to settle into these vast and serene lands.
+1 Colonists
-5% Development Cost

Piper's PuffAs it turns out, the fields of the Ynn are perfect for growing tobacco, and several native strains have been mixed with our own from Cannor, creating a new and exotic strain unique to our country and prized for its soothing effects and rich aroma.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Come As You AreAs refugees driven from our own homes by foreign powers, we can readily sympathize with those that come to this land seeking a new life. No matter their creed, race, or background, they can always find a home in West Tipney.
yes Heretic and heathen provinces do not give any penalties

An Old MemoryIt was a long time ago when we were forced from our homes in old Tipney, driven off by the flames of war between the Rose and Eagle. Even so, the wound is still there, the memories of those we lost and were forced to leave behind. We are determined to never suffer such a fate again.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

Country RoadsThe first roads of West Tipney were a winding network of dirt trails, beaten into the earth by the boots of our settlers seeking the quickest route to new lands. Though our oldest pathways are now paved with stone and gravel, the trails allow traders and travellers to easily come and go from even our most remote villages and towns.
+20% Trade Steering

Fiddle SwifthandFiddle Swifthand was a roaming bard from West Tipney, renowned for his skill with the violin, which he played with a quick and distinctive style that has become wildly popular amongst our people and across the Ynn.
+1.5 Diplomatic Reputation

-0.1 Yearly Corruption


