Weggabigan Ideas

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+5% Discipline
+33% Garrison Size

Victors of The DagafitaWhen the Dagafita was fought hundreds of years ago, soldiers of Qabiika Beeragga slaughtered our allies in the Ashamadi and broke the peace that the merfolk had brought about in the previous century. As they burned down villages and slaughtered people, the honest king of Weggabiga rose to answer the call of Gawakhiza and Dadubakha.\n\nMen from all across Weggabiga marched upon the Beeraggan armies, forcing them back to their fort in Qasri Mjeeda. Eventually, the northern coalition would even break their walls too, as they took the war into the heartlands of Qabiika Beeragga.\n\nUltimately, as the war drew to a near stalemate, and the coalition could not bypass the mountains blocking off the north from the rich lands of Beeragga, their king fell dead to an assassination plot, led by his own son. With that, he sued for peace, and the northern kingdoms had become the victors to the last war held in the lands of the Jasiir Jadid. \n\nThe men of Weggabiga rejoice in their proud victory; the small man beating down a titan of tyranny, securing the independence of not only Weggabiga, but the northern Baashidi as a whole.
-5% Land Maintenance Modifier
+5% Morale of Armies

The Great AshamadiatBlessed by the river Alnamaliu, holding the most fertile lands in all of the Baashidi, it is no wonder that the city of Qasri Abeesooyinka is the largest of them all!\n\nThe Ashamadiat plain is the most populous of all of the Baashidi, with its fertile lands feeding thousands of Weggabigans. This has given Weggabiga a natural advantage over their neighbors, whose lands are either so forested or so prone to droughts that they find themselves stagnant. The river Alnamaliu has remained constant, with its waters bringing prosperity, and its depth allowing for travel far into the interior. This constant water supply allows for farms the size of palaces, and a surplus of crops every year.\n\nThese fertile lands have allowed for a strong Weggabiga, formed from its own soil. They will soon lead Weggabiga into a future of prosperity.
+10% National Tax Modifier

Jail House LockThe largest prison in Sarhal, and a contender for the largest in the world, the Great Prison of Abeesooyinka looms over the city, casting a shadow over the people. This shadow serves as a reminder to the citizens of not only the city, but the country of Weggabiga, to recognize the true order in the land.\n\nConstructed in the Century of Merfolk, the jail was expanded to hold the hundreds of soldiers captured in the War of the Millenium. These soldiers would be let free if they defected to the Weggabigan military and gave up information. Those that remained loyal to the Vile Queen in Dadubakha would be murdered, as they were just as untrustworthy as her. When the War of the Millenium ended, the prison transitioned into keeping the scum and criminals away from the good people. Its service since then has seen the downfall of corruption in Weggabiga, as officials do not dare tempt being sent deep within the iron bars and concrete walls of the Great Jail.
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Jaqadeeq TacticsThe Jaqadeeq are the former slaves and prisoners who worked in the Great Prison of Abeesooyinka. While they served the Vile Queen of Dadubakha in the War of the Millenium, they were pardoned after expressing disdain for the traitorous queen's leadership. They were then organized into a strong military unit. These soldiers fought nobly to restore their kingdom and to depose the Vile Queen.\n\nOnce the war ended, the Jaqadeeq continued as a consolidated mercenary company, serving both the Ashamadi and Weggabiga. They fought to defend the Ashamadi from their Tanizu invaders, and went west to fend off the monstrous lizardfolk, who soon consolidated into one large empire. While much of the main army struggled against the hordes of the 333rd Empire, the Jaqadeeq militia managed to fight off and even earn small victories against all odds. Their tactics revolved around laying traps, and using explosives whenever possible in an attempt to keep a distance from the stronger and larger forces so that their firepower could remain advantageous. When these tactics were adopted by the main Weggabigan armies, they had great successes in their war, and ultimately they were able to force a draw against the massively larger forces of the lizardfolk.
+0.15 Infantry Fire

City Of WealthAbeesooyinka is the largest city amongst the Baashidi. Being on the Ashamadiat plain gave the city a major advantage from the start, but the city truly came to prominence after the arrival of the Cannorians. The first Baashidi city in the path of commerce and contact, Abeesooyinka grew to encompass the needs of the Busilari and Anbennarians who would come down to trade with them. More profit soon flowed into the city, starting a cycle of perpetual growth. As Cannorians continued to stop in the city to see what the Baashidi were like, inspect relics, and indulge in their culture, the city grew to global significance, becoming one of the largest in Sarhal.\n\nThis gigantic amount of wealth brought even further prosperity to the Ashamadiat plain, giving it the strength to remove the tools of old and replace it with the technology of new. Abeesooyinka would become one of the jewels of Sarhal, and a truly modernized city comparable to those in Cannor.
+10% Provincial Trade Power Modifier

Traders In The FightMerchantmen of Weggabiga are tasked to be strong and adventurous traders, for the waters nearby allow no easy passage. Throughout history, traders fared the seas against rough shores, pirates, lizardfolk raiders, and the occasional rumored deep devils coming up to destroy ships and rush back into the depths of the ocean. \n\nThese hardy men of Weggabiga, plentiful as they were, hardened themselves during times of war, and shared the battlefield at sea along with their brothers in the navy. To protect their country and pride, they brought their ships to serve under the crown, and to fight when needed. These ships provided a strong defense against the encroaching Busilari Empire, who had begun to encroach on Baashidi lands long ago with the conquest of the Jasiir Doog. The Ashamadi kingdoms, united as one alongside Weggabiga, were able to inflict heavy defeats on the great Lion Armada, forcing the Busilari to abandon all hopes of conquering the Baashidi.
+10% Light Ship Combat Ability

The DominationWeggabiga remains the staunch hegemon of the northern Baashidi, even after countless years of invasion. Defeating many invasions from Beeragga, Lizardfolk, and more, they assured their Ashamadi allies that they would stand the test of time. With every defeat the invaders suffered, the more frustrated they became, until they realized that the costs were too high and eventually called off the campaign.\n\nWeggabiga’s domination of the northern Baashidi would be further questioned, not by a regional power, but by Busilar and her large colonial army. Wanting to secure the lands of not only the north, but the whole of the Jasiir Jadid itself, the strong men of Weggabiga marched southwards to assist the rest of the Baashidi coalition to fight off the Busilari forces on the mainland.\n\nUltimately, the Baashidi would prove victorious, and Busilar would have to suffer the curse which so many other invaders had met before them.
+100% Power Projection From Insults
+5% Recover Army Morale Speed

+0% Yearly Army Professionalism